Common Myrtle


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Fresno, CA
I placed this in collected, but I suppose it was a nursery tree at some point early on. Planted around sixty years ago, it was at a house that had caught fire. In my line of work I sometimes come across plants that the owner does not want anymore, and this was one of them.

This large common myrtle was growing close to the house and the owner wished to start a new flower bed and this monster had no part of that landscape theme. I dug the plant out and potted it up in Dec. of 2005. While this pic of the second tree I dug from the same yard shows, this tree had little roots. I potted it up in pure sand and hoped for the best. I did not have to wait long. It sent out amazing growth in just a few months. The tree suckered from the base and sprouted along the trunk it's entire length
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Spring of 2007 I bought a large training container for the tree. This tree is large. The base of the trunk is 10 inches across or more. The tree is only 25 inches tall.

The first picture is of the tree after repotting in Feb. The second photo is tonight after I selected some new leaders and pruned off about half the foliage for shape. The tree is coming along pretty well for just barely two years..
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This photo shows a possible virtual of what I might like to see in a few years.

Any comments about the future is open for discussion. The large scars from the initial digging are sort of blackened because I hope to carve them out into hollows.

Edit: The virtual of the tree is rotated about 10 degrees towards the right to get the apex over the root base better. I feel it should be a more formal Moyogi.
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Forgot the infamous tape measure shot...
Two questions Al :

What's a common myrtle? Common to you may not be common to others...

Is that your wife's beverage? I mean it's OK if it's your drink but... a Mike's? Were they out of Zima?

Whatever it is I like it. Quite a salvage job from the stump example in the truck to the last photo. Bigger than I thought. Nice and compact. Heavy?
I drink Mikes and I'm damn proud of it. Can't stand Zima. When I get home from work and it's 111 like its going to be by Wednesday, I can pound down about three of these like water. After that I'm ready to tackle things like this. I need a chainsaw or an axe though like the guy in the commercial.

This is Myrtus Communis. Common Myrtle, True Myrtle, Roman Myrtle. Not to be confused with Crepe Myrtle, of which they are not related. This plant is evergreen, Crepe is not. It does bloom and gets edible berries, blue in color. Many European remedies are made from the berries and leaves.

Not too heavy...maybe abut 75 pounds.
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Thanks for the close up photo of the blooms. Reminds me of a luma apiculata (peruvian myrtle) that I got from Brent last year.
The last update was July 2nd. This is the tree in three weeks later. It grows extremely fast. At this rate I can begin carving the large scars this winter and hopefully next year I can begin looking for a show pot. It should be ready for it's final pot in the spring of 2009.

Cheers, Al
Al -

Don't you just love collected material?

This is a wonderful piece of material with character. The "bones" of this one is strong. Good base, taper, movement, and health. I'll bet that you are having a good time making your mark on this one.

I am interested in watching the development of this tree. Please continue to share.

Time for my next 30 day update.
My they do grow fast don't they. In your previous post what kind of pot do you have in mind? What's wrong with this one?
man I need to go collect some material......

That's going to be one mean looking tree!

Great job!

note to self(internal dialog)....

Smoke, albiet his sensitive taste in beverages, knows what he's doing...and is a god among men in bonsai. (since this is typed I want to make sure everyone knows that I'm not being sardonic or sarcastic...I'm truely impressed....I hope that Im able to produce bonsai like this someday. The hope is probably as far fetched as me hoping that I win PowerBall :( ).
man I need to go collect some material......

That's going to be one mean looking tree!

Great job!

note to self(internal dialog)....

Smoke, albiet his sensitive taste in beverages, knows what he's doing...and is a god among men in bonsai. (since this is typed I want to make sure everyone knows that I'm not being sardonic or sarcastic...I'm truely impressed....I hope that Im able to produce bonsai like this someday. The hope is probably as far fetched as me hoping that I win PowerBall :( ).

LOL I agree! He is very talented!
A very recent today.

The trunk is still 10 inches across and the tree is still 25 inches tall. I have begun more carving on the large scars at the time of collection. The large scar will be finalized this weekend. I will post a series on the carving later.

Cheers, Al


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This one is looking good Al. A few more years in your capable hands and it will be great. I really like the colour of bark, has it flowered yet or are you keeping the flowers down to speed up growth?
Update on the myrtle. This December will be four years since digging from the hedge of the burned out house.


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This is the tree with its new pot from Jim Gremel last year. It will be repotted next month.


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