I know training pots are easier to make out of boxes, but I'm talking about a large-scale boxing of specimen in various stages (this coming spring), right now about half of my specimen are in boxes and, the ones that are good boxes, I'm very happy with their aesthetic however I'd gotten it in my head that "that's not bonsai!" and that I needed real pots, and have begun making cement pots.
After planting in my first cured (ie leached for >1mo so pH effects are minimal) cement pot, I like it but am honestly unsure whether I even like it more than a good wooden box (aesthetically), am hoping for opinions o this from an aesthetic point of view although anything else that differentiates them in function/practicality would be nice to know! I suspect the wooden boxes are far better insulators than comparably-thick mortar but unsure..
Thanks for any thoughts on this one!! I've got a batch sitting in a bucket curing right now and am about to go start another round right now, the original idea was to fill a shelf with them so, when it's spring and I'm re-boxing everything, I can switch everything over - I'm now wondering about whether that's the smartest idea, maybe a better approach would be to make cement containers *only* for the smaller/medium specimen, and leave the large ones in wooden boxes? Any thoughts on any of this would be appreciated
Here's a pic of the first DIY cement pot I got into circulation, then a pic of my favorite box (in terms of build/lumber, it came out the nicest!)
After planting in my first cured (ie leached for >1mo so pH effects are minimal) cement pot, I like it but am honestly unsure whether I even like it more than a good wooden box (aesthetically), am hoping for opinions o this from an aesthetic point of view although anything else that differentiates them in function/practicality would be nice to know! I suspect the wooden boxes are far better insulators than comparably-thick mortar but unsure..
Thanks for any thoughts on this one!! I've got a batch sitting in a bucket curing right now and am about to go start another round right now, the original idea was to fill a shelf with them so, when it's spring and I'm re-boxing everything, I can switch everything over - I'm now wondering about whether that's the smartest idea, maybe a better approach would be to make cement containers *only* for the smaller/medium specimen, and leave the large ones in wooden boxes? Any thoughts on any of this would be appreciated
Here's a pic of the first DIY cement pot I got into circulation, then a pic of my favorite box (in terms of build/lumber, it came out the nicest!)