(Ground Layering From a pot): Ignorance is not bliss


Mister 500,000
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Somewhere South of Phoenix
Being ignorant is not a crime but deciding to stay that way is. Maybe I should be embarrassed that I don't know this but pride does not pay the bills ya know?

While there are many things I have learned doing bonsai, there are just as many(or more) that I know nothing about. Layering, in general, is something that I have never had the time or the reason to do. Well, that is no longer the case. I have many things in 5-gallon cans that I would like to simply layer out of the can mainly because I have had difficulty on the initial root work of some species such as dwarf myrtles (not crape).

The tree below is a pineapple guava (Feijoa sellowiana). It actually might be fine with a drastic root reduction as I have done it before with no problems but it's a good example of what I'm wanting to do. You might be able to see that the "soil" surface in the pot is simply a mass of fine roots. I believe that it's this way all the way to the bottom of the can. Like I said I have several in this same condition. I've seen loads of step by step guides for air layering and I am guessing it's similar for ground.

What I am looking for is a step by step starting with a rootbound tree in a can or pot. Feel free to post it here or point me to one that a reliable expert has already done.

I don't want much discussion on this thread, I would like it to be instructional and ultimately be formatted into something for the resource section.

Thanks all


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