Grow Lights for Juniper Bondai

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Hello! I am a Bonsai newbie. I have a fairly extensive houseplant collection, but have never ventured into bonsai trees. I was recently gifted two over the holidays. A small juniper and false cypress. I am in Michigan in an apartment with no south facing windows. This means I don’t have access to much natural light. From my reading I have determined that the only way these two trees will get enough light is to be under grow lights.
My questions are:
How will I know if they are getting too much or too little light?
How far from the grow light should they be? This is the grow light I have

How long should the lights be on?

Thanks so much in advance! I have lots to learn.
How will I know if they are getting too much or too little light?
Junipers have a way of slowly dying, so you'll know after a month or two that the conditions weren't right. This works the same way for most conifers.

I say conditions because it's not just the light, but also day and night cycle and humidity changes that play a part.
I've grown junipers from seed with LED lights, 16 hours on, 8 hours off. But they were weak and they tend to get huge spider mite problems indoors.

Not saying it can't be done, but I wouldn't get my hopes up.
That's a great light.

However, both of your trees are really "outdoor" bonsai, and require winter dormancy. They should stay outside year-round.

It's too late now (to acclimate), but if they make it to spring, they should go outside and stay outside.

For indoor bonsai, tropical species are best - ficus are a good indoor starter tree.
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