Hi group,
last fall I picked up some good material at a local nursery close out. (cheap)
Nice fat trunks, nebari. etc. A lot of their stuff had been neglected so was/is rootbound.
The trees mentioned above were in quite large pots which they are still in.
Others I put directly in the garden for winter. A few I left in the smaller pots there were in and buried the pots in the garden for the winter so they wouldn't freeze while I was away.
I got a few European Beech, Olive, Japanese Larch, Magnolia, etc. I picked out unusual trunks of good size which I will need to chop this year.
I haven't found much info on the Japanese Snowbell and Chinese Fringe Tree, will they backbud readily?
I miss all my trees and looking forward to getting home and getting to work on them.
Have been away since early December.
Also where I am for another week (northern Calif) there are a lot of manzanita which have beautiful trunk and branch. Anyone successful in collecting these? They seem to root easily when the branches are laying on the ground and covered with leaves. There are quite a few that have been cut back as they are trying to rid the pasture/hillside of them. I have collected several, they came up easily as the ground is very wet right now.
Question, will they backbud? on the larger ones the leaves and flowers are mostly toward the ends of the branches like Madrone.
the one pic I attached is an Acer..
Rose Mary
from SW Oregon
last fall I picked up some good material at a local nursery close out. (cheap)
Nice fat trunks, nebari. etc. A lot of their stuff had been neglected so was/is rootbound.
The trees mentioned above were in quite large pots which they are still in.
Others I put directly in the garden for winter. A few I left in the smaller pots there were in and buried the pots in the garden for the winter so they wouldn't freeze while I was away.
I got a few European Beech, Olive, Japanese Larch, Magnolia, etc. I picked out unusual trunks of good size which I will need to chop this year.
I haven't found much info on the Japanese Snowbell and Chinese Fringe Tree, will they backbud readily?
I miss all my trees and looking forward to getting home and getting to work on them.
Have been away since early December.
Also where I am for another week (northern Calif) there are a lot of manzanita which have beautiful trunk and branch. Anyone successful in collecting these? They seem to root easily when the branches are laying on the ground and covered with leaves. There are quite a few that have been cut back as they are trying to rid the pasture/hillside of them. I have collected several, they came up easily as the ground is very wet right now.
Question, will they backbud? on the larger ones the leaves and flowers are mostly toward the ends of the branches like Madrone.
the one pic I attached is an Acer..
Rose Mary
from SW Oregon