More Acers to Air layer?


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Mooresville, NC - USA
Merry Christmas everyone. I am looking to air layer some more japanese maples this spring, and was wondering if these types are able to grow on their own root system? I am looking at a Katsura, and a Murasaki Kiyohime. Also, are there any patent issues when airlayering these types? I dont want to waste a branch if it wont take, so any advice is appreciated.
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Digger, both of these issue abundant roots and grow just fine on their own roots. Both are capable of building great nebari. There will be no patent issues with either.
Thanks alot Wood. Is there a source for getting this info, or where to learn it? There are so many types of maples that interest me, and that i would like to get. Some are hard to find already on their own roots, most are grafts. I guess thats just the best way to guarantee a successful propagation? Is this the way most people get their different acers? Thanks again for the help.
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I air layered 5 or 6 different grafted maples last spring. Every one of them worked perfectly and now they are on their own root base. All were pretty small (less than 1" in diameter) but I wouldnt hesitate to layer an acer much bigger than that. I used rooting powder and a cup filled with the regular bonsai mix we use in this area. All were layered after the first flush of growth hardened and all were removed around mid-August when plenty of roots were visible. I used the same method to layer a beech that is about 1.5" in diameter.
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