Nurseries to visit in the Sarasota, FL area?


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Louisville, KY
I'm going there with my wife and 8-month old next week and was curious if there was a "not to be missed" place near here? I'd like to try and pick up possibly a buttonwood (love the shape and deadwood possibilities) or something else, maybe. I'd appreciate any suggestion. As well, anything along the way. (I'm heading down I-75 from KY to Sarasota.)


Well if you are going down I-75 then Mike Rogers and Jason Schley are out of the question. Wrong coast and too far to drag the family across I-4 twice from the Tampa area.

You need to visit Eric Wigert. Wigert's Mango Grove and Nursery at 15857 Quail Trail
Bokeelia, FL 33922. Phone number is 239-267-7711.

You also need to visit the Sho Fu exhibit at Selby Gardens in Sarasota! The gardens charges a small admission but it's a great place besides the bonsai and should not be missed. Marie Selby Botanical Gardens at 811 South Palm Ave, Sarasota FL 34236

If you were dead set on a buttonwood you need to go see Mary Madison but that may be too far as well. Mary's nursery is at her home and I am not sure if that info is published but PM me and I will send you a phone number if I can find it.

Have fun!
just curious to see if you made it to Wigert's, and how much you loaded up on!
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