Hey... So have a question about 2 shimpaku's I have... Here in East TN zone 7a have been having some major temp swings this weekend.. We have been having 60 deg or higher weather during the day and the past 2 morning Sat and today Sunday the lows have been at 29 degs with freeze warnings for around 5 hrs each day... I knew this was coming so I rushed out and got a cold frame 15x7x7 greenhouse from Amazon and had all my newly leafed decidous and any repotted material. I left the confirers outside under frost cloth because I know they are more tolerant to frost. However these 2 shimpakus I noticed later this evening have gotten browing on some of the tips and on the apexs. I took a few pics to get everyones thoughts if this is just late frost damage? These trees did not show these signs of damage before the freezing temps came...They were covered in frost cloth but the wind could have blown it off. None of my other junipers have been affected at all only these 2. I cut off the affected areas already but here are a few pics of the damage. Hoping it isn't tip blight or anything, all of my trees were treated with a 3 in one systemic Insecticide, Fungicide, Mitozine a couple wks ago. I seperated these trees from the others just in case and checked and no spider mites.