So quiet part II


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Does anyone know of any new or updated bonsai sites? It seems I have read all my favorite sites and nobody has been updating lately :confused:

Harry- nothing new
Evergreen-nothing new
AOB-ancient homepage
Inland Empire Bonsai-nothing new ever
Kens world of Bonsai-adware, spyware, and nothing new
Orlando bonsai- nothing new, I wish there was
Kaizen- same old yews
Shady Side bonsai- same old yews
New England Bonsai- Nothing very good this update
Walter's Traveling Adventures- who cares
Bonsai Nut- 2 posts a month
BonsaiSite- "my juniper is dying, please help me!"
Bonsai Talk- Come back later were doing maintenance
Bonsailearningcenter- Has never worked once on my browser

Hey I found a great link to check out, this idea is brilliant!
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Tiberous your not looking very hard for new content. Shady Side has a sister site Bonsai Vault, then theirs BonsaiChat. You obviously haven't learned to use the link buttons at AOB home page because there content changes just about weekly. Hows that for spoon feeding ;)

If you want excitment generated then contribute to to the forums new and useful information. Otherwise I suggest you go outside into the sunshine and work on a few trees.
Does anyone know of any new or updated bonsai sites? It seems I have read all my favorite sites and nobody has been updating lately :confused:

...Bonsailearningcenter- Has never worked once on my browser...


Get a new browser...
Can't take this too seriuos anyway - "Walter's Traveling Adventures- who cares ???

BT was out for a couple of hours lately.???

The A and K of Bonsai's aren't chatty places, but there is plenty to learn from there.

Here has been slower the last few, but it was kind of a calm after a few storms, but picking up.

As Tom mentioned at The Vault there is some good info building.

And yes these places are interactive.;)

Tis the season of bocu spring work to do.

There have been lots of regional shows already.

It's out there.
Hey I found a great link to check out, this idea is brilliant!

The first bonsai skill to learn is that of patience :) If you want people to discuss a new topic why don't you post about one? I can't speak about others but right now I am in "bonsai appreciation" mode. I am busier dealing with thousands of koi fry and don't have time to talk about my trees - I am sure other people have similar stories.

BTW - the crash bonsai site was featured in one of our earliest posts from a year and a half ago :)
Sweet guys, thanks for the infos! Ya I was joking about Traveling Adventures; but really who cares:rolleyes: Im just jealous cause I dont get to do any bonsai traveling adventures:D Ok, I have been to bonsaivault, but I will keep checking for new updates. Unfortunately my trees are all building up some energy from the last two months of work. So I have nothing to do at the moment. I am looking to buy some more material soon, but will have to wait for some cash. I really have nothing to contribute at the moment, but as soon as I discover some groundbreaking bonsai techniques, I will be sure to post it here:p
I however been reading my new Kimura books. Boy what I wouldnt give to have his skills and his trees! Its really interesting that he had been doing deadwood styles so long ago. He was way ahead of his time.
Oh, last night I visited the National Arboretum Virtual tour of bonsai. I have to atleast visit there once in my lifetime. Heres the link if you havent seen it.
Does anyone know of any new or updated bonsai sites? It seems I have read all my favorite sites and nobody has been updating lately :confused:

Harry- nothing new
Evergreen-nothing new
AOB-ancient homepage
Inland Empire Bonsai-nothing new ever
Kens world of Bonsai-adware, spyware, and nothing new
Orlando bonsai- nothing new, I wish there was
Kaizen- same old yews
Shady Side bonsai- same old yews
New England Bonsai- Nothing very good this update
Walter's Traveling Adventures- who cares
Bonsai Nut- 2 posts a month
BonsaiSite- "my juniper is dying, please help me!"
Bonsai Talk- Come back later were doing maintenance
Bonsailearningcenter- Has never worked once on my browser

Hey I found a great link to check out, this idea is brilliant!

You might consider buying a chia pet and watch it grow. That should keep you out of trouble for a while:cool:
Go to AOB and look at Vaughn Bantings profile.In it they have his site of his life story,hours and hours of interesting bonsai and things. there's the IBC too,there's allways something new there.

Walter's Traveling Adventures- who cares

One thousand and up to one thousanbd five hundred folks EVERY day visit the blog and the same at the gallery. This is more traffic than the most popular bonsai forums have. The average person looks at the blog for more than two minutes and at the gallery for more than six minutes. This is several times longer than at ANY other bonsai site.
So who cares?
Now see what you have done Tiberious...... incurred the wrath of God.

Well done Walter for your restraint. You might like to chime in with your thoughts at bonsaiVault. All your favourite people are there already. Try the link below and go to contact for an email hook up.

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