Sumo Privet Ligustrum 14" Base


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Tampa, Florida
I dug this tree out about 6 weeks ago. Took 4 weeks for buds to appear. Freebie on Craigslist. Last picture, where the lizard is at, is a new bud popping. Hoping for another bud higher up. But this will do if not. I'm amazed at the healing calluses already. These trees are trully indestructible. I have another fatty ligustrum that I fished out of the back of a truck of a building contractor. It was dug up and baking, bare rooted, in the hot Florida sun, for hours. I'll create another thread on it soon. It's about 12" at the base. It also took about a month for buds to appear.

Plenty of carving to do on this one. But it's going to get some rest for now. I'll post updates along the way.

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