The ugliest trunk i could find (prunus)

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England UK
I went out in search of ugly (another thread)
I was disappointed in what I went out for which I think is what led me to this

After what feels like a lifetime I finally found something that definitely fell out of the mould of the clones I keep rummaging through

I expect its not the 'cup of tea' of many if any, that's cool I'm only learning and I know enough to have been able to put myself off this tree a couple times but something about it I am able to forgive the mass of ugly this tree is throwing out in heaps! I'm gonna work it anyway for the experience I like the idea of such a ugly trunk with little pink flowers

I hope one day I will look back and laugh like I do now with material I have unpotted for many years in the ground haha

I'm going to chop the boring off it apparently this is not done at the usual time of winter due to increased risk from fungus I'm still a bit early for my area according to my research

I also want to practice air layers and I'm closer to suitable timing for that and also pretty confident and read up carrying it out,
I know its not advised to run 2 layers on the trunk so would I be better to take the lower layer and then layer the top off that later, or run both (one is the main leader with a decent few branches all leafing out and under that is a another 5 or so branches all leafed out so I believe there is plenty of foliage heading to both and the top could maybe considered a free standing branch anyway as it is a good foot above the other branches?

After the layers is 4/5 ft of no taper same trunk with the odd short stubby branches (will pruning these improve lower bud development? Because) then i have tiny buds i hope to have developed in this time some just above and one below the last chop for the leader of the (maybe) final bit of trunk hopefully promoting further back buds if not I have a few low branch options I plan to leave (even though I'm considering the likelihood its grafted and if its not just young foliage it's definitely different than the top)

Lines are possible chop points red is my favourite if that bud is ok for a leader? Its already grew a bit haha

Yellow is where I expected to chop at purchase Blue was a bonus on further inspection so even red I'm getting more tree than I bargained for

Orange gives me extre leg room for die back to red, and a possible bud site that is currently not looking active but I think maybe getting a bit on the long side?

The best next bud is high up and I had to angle up to fit it in incase it helped but I think we can all agree its too long

Where should I chop? Will the layers weaken the roots enough to be a risk? it would be taking away practically all the foliage though I can leave like one main branch after the layers if it would help
Already ugly scars but there is a clear path to the top from one side if I angle my chop slightly can I influence the scar? I was considering leaning in to the back side more and maybe trying for to stick leave the cambium and bark to use as a plaster (can't remember the name of this method)

Any pre layer/ chop tips? Fertilise or not which npk i have quite a good choice


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It truly is not the prettiest trunk, but deffintly workable! Especialy that one Root thats poking out so magnificently!
I personay would cut it at the orange line, as there is another bud there, but since this is a Prunus, I dotn doubt it that it will go back quite nicely, also looks crafted to me, so make sure you dont cut below this weird Know there!
Techincly everythign below this thicc knob is the wild original Form, while everything on top is a littl "weaker" and more delicate in foliage. So make sure to always get rid of the Leafes and stems underneath the Knob!

For now stick with the orange Line, betetr be safe then sorry when it maybe dies down or frost/pests get the better of it, you can still cut lower later.
You say you want an ugly tree, and that's definitely what you'll get. It'll keep swelling at the graft, and the foliage above the graft won't match the foliage below.
Air layering off the top would give you a pretty tree, and chopping below the graft would make the root stock more pretty.
Thank you both

I was pretty sure that was the graft site and as the bit that appeals to me is under the graft I'm definitely leaning with that, in which case I'll leave the growth and deal with them and add to the ugly later to keep strength in the root stock I think? Was gonna try use a couple real low ones to make fake nebari

I'm glad I posted this has really helped so far I actually like the colouring in the rootstock leaves better anyway
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