Tipping point cont'd


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Citrus Heights, CA
Its interesting to see the different upbringings come together on this post.

For me this is a really hard post to reply to... I was raised to respect my elders. Often times...nowadays, its really difficult to consider who exactly your elders are so I try to greet in kind and treat everybody as an elder until future interactions take place.

Graydon your beliefs in the pledge of allegiance is very much like my own. I never once raised my hand to the flag willingly. There were times I was told to, forced and repeat the pledge...For me it was very hard to pledge to something that was not of my own people. Even when my hand was raised for those times I would creep it to my shoulder so I would feel like I wasnt pledging :)


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Myself, I give everyone respect and trust right from the start, they can't earn any more, all they can do is chip it away and it can't be replaced.

Once it is gone, they no longer matter one way or another, I ignore them, they become basically non-persons to me, they do not exist in my world....why even let it bother you, the effort is not worth the reward....they say that sea water contains tons and tons of gold but the cost of extracting it is far more expensive than what the gold is worth.....the cost is not worth the reward.Will

Having been called a coward and worse in the past (by you), and having done as bad and worse myself, I still find things to learn from and discuss, and can't imagine ignoring someone I disagree with for good or ill. I will ignore someone on this forum when they get banned from it.

I think the difference is in definitions. Most of us would say, treat a stranger with respect. What we really mean is, treat a stranger with courtesy. Being kind is different than being polite. Respect must be earned.

For instance, when I went to work selling Hondas, I tried to show courtesy to every member of the sales team there. Some went on to earn my respect, as salespeople, and some as superior human beings.

When I go to an online community, I try to treat everyone with courtesy. I have not always achieved that goal. I plead my humanness. But if I disagree with someone, it needn't turn into a food fight. I don't assume people who disagree with me are attacking me. I attempt to understand their position and if I still believe they are mistaken, I will debate the issue.

This isn't an entirely new position with me, but it is one I have somewhat matured into.

My point is that I can discuss bonsai and debate or agree even with people for whom I have no respect. And I can do it politely. Try me.

I am so happy that we have all made the progress that we can agree to disagree, to stay focused on the issues.
Now it is time for us all to move forward, we can do that with the patience and understanding toward each other that we would give to our own children.

In order for Bonsai to be passed from Generation to Generation we have to teach that any and all problems can be resolved. Bonsai is not about who is doing what or when or with who.
It is about the learning and the give and take and the sharing. Our numbers in the broad spectrum of life is so miniascule that all we are doing is furthering the gap when the focus should be and stay on Bonsai and not the personal aspects that make up humanity.
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Michigan, USA
On the other hand, too much whip cream can ruin the pie.

I personally think that people need to spend more time writing about bonsai and far less time worrying about other people. Gossip, drama, politics, ladder climbing, top dog wars, worrying about others post counts, for crying out loud, are we all children here?

Grow up, get a bonsai.



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On the other hand, too much whip cream can ruin the pie.

I personally think that people need to spend more time writing about bonsai and far less time worrying about other people. Gossip, drama, politics, ladder climbing, top dog wars, worrying about others post counts, for crying out loud, are we all children here?
Grow up, get a bonsai.

No thanks I have way too many and need to cut back, but yes I agree it is time to get back on track with the Bonsai forum.
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Ottawa, KS
Wow, we seem to be constantly moving one step forward, one step back.
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Michigan, USA
And I still stand by my last post, "I personally think that people need to spend more time writing about bonsai and far less time worrying about other people. Gossip, drama, politics, ladder climbing, top dog wars, worrying about others post counts, for crying out loud, are we all children here?
Grow up, get a bonsai."

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