Too late for re-pot?


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Kernersville NC
When is it too late for a re-pot? I bought a A. Palmatum yesterday and while there is a lot of room in the pot I was wanting to spread the roots out and put it in the ground. It appears that all the buds have broken, is that too late? I'm in NC zone 7 A/B if that makes much diffeence.
If you are simply moving it from pot to ground and are not cutting roots, you can do it at any ime.
Thanks Jim. I'm not cutting any, but I am wanting to spread them out. Right now it is in a big pot (2gal I think, maybe 3. I'm not sure of what the normal sizes are) but looks like it was somewhat recently moved into that one from quart sized pot. I think I wil err on the side of caution and leave it in the current pot as I am wanting to take two layers off it this summer, and I chopped some of it off just to get it in the car (forgot to mention that little nugget of information). I did get it from a big box store so who knows what has happened to it in the past couple of months.

I can get a picture or two if needed.
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It would be ok to plant it now, just don't break up the roots, waiting til the leaves harden then do the deed.
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