Vaughn Banting Memorabilia Auction

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Michigan, USA
This saddens me. But at the same time I am glad his bonsai stuff will be going to other enthusiasts.

Any word on what is going to happen to the garden?
Yes, Vaughn's house will be sold later this year, hopefully his neighbor, who wants the house will purchase it, they knew Vaughn well and most likely will take care of it.

His bonsai were given away a few years ago when his health prevented him from caring for them, some went to the Weyerhaeuser Pacific Rim collection and a few to the National Arboretum. Others went to bonsai enthusiasts.

According to his family, Vaughn's ashes were scattered in the Japanese Garden in the New Orleans Botanical Garden. The garden's designer, Robin Tanner, is planning an extension to that garden soon and has asked our permission to transplant a particularly special Black Pine from Vaughn's backyard as well as a few Japanese Maples into the new extension at the Japanese garden.

And the first bids have started coming in. More items will be added day by day as well.....
What is fascinating is that a few rare books are being auctioned, with more to example is a book that only a hundred copies were printed.
A quick thanks to all who have visited the auction. The bids are fast and furious now on some items and new items are being added daily. Most people are commenting on not only the items, but the chance to own a piece of bonsai history.


Well just as the auctions were starting to close on the first group of items, the threads stopped being updated and now there is no word from any administrator, even though the site is still up and functioning. I had bids pending on a couple items that should have closed by now, so it would be nice to hear from somebody about what is going on.
I just heard there was a medical emergency. Let's hope everyone is ok.
Auctions are being updated and new items will be added tomorrow.

Sorry for the delay,

Thank You will

Hi Will; this comes later than I wanted, but I want to thank You for a job well done. I missed a bunch of items I bid on, but the one I did win was better than expected, not to mention the bonus event pins that came with my winner.

I anm sure this took more than just a little time, at a time when you really didn't need extra responsabilities.

This auction as sad as it was, put some of Vaughns bonsai related items out there for bonsai enthusiasts to purchase and continue the love for years to come, as well as help out Vaughns family.

Again Great job, Thank You, and I hope things for your Mom have improved.

Bill Swain
Thanks for the kind words, they are appreciated.

It was an honor to be part of this auction, I was greatly surprised when Vaughn's family contacted me after a referral by Guy Guidry and I accepted the responsibility immediately for managing this auction.

Although I never met Vaughn personally, I have communicated with him while profiling his interview for AoB. I also have had the honor of meeting some of the Flat Top Crew in person and gained much respect for Vaughn through the actions and thoughts of his students. Isn't this truly how a teacher is judged, through his students? Not only their work, but their actions as well?

As many know, my mother became ill with a serious intestine infection and was taken to the hospital for a number of weeks, she underwent some major surgery and we all thought we would lose her. Thank God she pulled through and is now home and leading a active life again. Unfortunately this meant I left town and the auction on a few occasions, causing some delay and confusion, for that I apologize, thankfully the auction pulled through and was a great success for all involved.

Vaughn's sister Joy was a pleasure to work with and made it all easy. She also made sure to include one of Vaughn's pins with every shipment, throwing in a item that will surely be of value in the future, at no extra charge.

Everyone who participated in the auction were very understanding and patient, I was amazed on how well it all went. Thank you all for your bids and your comments, it is you that made this special.

Most of all, thanks to Vaughn's family for allowing his items to be distributed to other bonsai lovers around the world, a piece of him is with each item sold and I am sure the items will be cherished, not only for historical reasons, but because of the man Vaughn was.

For those who may be interested, a interview with Vaughn, as well as a tribute to him can be found at

rock you didn't want to be a behind southener did you, translates to you missed the apostrophe in y'all in that other thread:D

Have to say you got me on that, never heard that one. I will admit though that with some traveling, the people of the south seem to be a bit more cordial than those of us in the sun challanged areas to your north. The sun/tempreture challanged may be the reason for it as well.

Anyway my reentry here was to say - Will glad things worked out, and you Mom is doing well. Make sure if you haven't, to give her a hug and tell her you Love her.

The extra was a flat top crew pin, if I remember correctly it was from 93.

Thanks again.
Thanks Rockm, I never heard that term before, but I like it.

Thanks again Bill.

I shouild also mention that the auction wouldn't have been possible without the help of Paul Stokes and the other editors at AoB, without them, nothing could be accomplished.


I hope your mother is doing well.

I was impressed with the Banting auction and glad people who love bonsai got his stuff. It would be a shame to lose some of those things through a musty estate sale. Vaughn is sorely missed-- his trees were a revelation to me.

And Bill, the apostrophe in y'all is optional :). All Southern accents are not the same. In my travels throughout the South in the last 35 years or so, I've counted dozens...Yall is rarely pronounced in two syllables in most. :)
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