Don't know what style it will fit in the end, but aiming for the natural rounded top look it has in nature, some here in South Africa refer to it as the "Pierneef" look whom was an artist famous for painting Acacia trees.
Don't know what style it will fit in the end, but aiming for the natural rounded top look it has in nature, some here in South Africa refer to it as the "Pierneef" look whom was an artist famous for painting Acacia trees.

Hence the reason, I was asking if you are going to be cutting the branches back. To me they are very long and leggy and need to be cut back considerably to achieve that.

I have recently posted that exact picture on another thread of mine where it was asked about umbrella thorns etc.

Have a read.
I hear you, but with the repotting and increasing root space by about 80%, it still has got quite some growing to do, and maybe in about 7/8 years time I might cut back depend on how much taler the tree has got. The only African Acacias that really make good looking bonsai is galpinii and burkei, the others is a gamble and takes really allot of input, and with so much time invested I stick to the ones that can and one day will be a heritage for my children.
My tree is quite tall, but because it is planted so skew the pic is misleading, I will update once I replant after the moon's apogee here in the southern hemisphere, anywhere from the 26th of this month.
Also repotted recently with about 200% more root space. Black Monkey Thorn 2004. 13 years same pot a third of the size it's in now.
Hi Angela
your tree is blue thorn (acacia erubescens)
similar to galpinii but the bark is different...
They seem to have very angular branch growth and dont hold shape well...
I have 1 about 20 years old and it still looks rubbish...
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