Advice on removing a large J Maple sacrificial branch

Since the initial photo there has been a lot of new growth on all of the branches, including the large one to be removed. The included photo was taken in early Spring after the first repot so it looks scraggly.

@Adair M Is it the flow of resources from the leaves higher up on the trunk down to the roots that induces the callus or the reverse?
That's a good question! I really don't know. I'm sure @Osoyoung knows. That's right up his alley!

It's not the quantity of leaves. I have a very ratified JBP, with lots and lots of needles. There are a couple of old scars on the trunk that really haven't healed at all in the 6 years I've owned it. Because I've been decandling every summer, and restricting growth.

Yet, I've seen JBP that are allowed to grow a vertical leader unchecked, and they can callous over a 2 inch wound in one growing season! A single strong growing apex leader pulls most of the nutrients up to feed it. The tree responds by trying to build tissue to transport what it needs. And that includes covering over wounds with callous.
Does this procedure work for removing an unwanted double trunk?
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