Arrived Alive


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After 3 wonderful months in Sarasota FL, we left the first day of spring to migrate back to Ohio. I had been worrying about my trees left behind and my wintering practices for quite a while as I check Ohio weather every morning. I've seen a lot of 70s in recent weeks and feared I missed the repotting windows for the 3rd consecutive year.

Pleasantly surprised to find almost everything perfectly dormant and happy. Thankfully we had over 6 weeks of continual snow-covered ground, which was a big plus when I saw single digit temps and even a couple negatives. I got concerned with the numerous 70 degree days lately. We've had tons of rain and even flooding here and never even had to ask my neighbor to to water, which was awesome as he's had some health issues.

Of course before unloading the truck and boat I had to make a quick walkaround garden which looked pretty good for 3 months of total neglect. The pond is a mess and full of leaves but, I have a net over it to catch most of them and a couple Walmart bags blown into it. (todays project) We have a warmish day today in the 60s with more rain tonight coming. Then a return of winter for a week with lows in the 30 and 3 nights in the 20s. Ugh... not ready for that a worry about my un-winterized boat engines more than my trees.

I was so afraid I'd be way behind on the many needed repots I didn't get to last year but think they will be fine to wait out this last (hopefully) cold spell.

I see no squirrel damage for the first time in a couple years thankfully but, the freakin cats got into some grow beds as well as spraying my deck and grill. Overall I feel pretty fortunate and think most everything will wake up fine in due time.

All the post on overwintering by members and newbs I read over the years taught me pretty well. I put my favorite deciduous trees under the bench on the North foundation surrounded in mulch. Evergreens in the garden covered in leaves and less developed or loved plants in the grow beds left over. Overall I call it a successful wintering for us and my trees if they all wake up.

Life is good!



I think the cat my have sprayed the top of the Boxwood in the center of this pic as the top branch looks dead and is in his range. But unsure as the 2 large ones below dug from landscape last year have yellow tips too. Time will tell.

For a hobby which demands almost daily attention all year I feel happy to be able to leave them for 3 months and come home pleasantly surprised.
Pretty dreary and ugly up here tho... rain and cold... work to do if the rain stops today. Looking forward to getting my little slice back into shape.
In case you are wondering about the thread title, Arrive Alive was the Florida motto for many years and on their license plates for a long time. When we get home we always send my Sister, who we stay with, a mesg "Arrived Alive" as does she when returning home from our place in the Summer.

Usually when returning home the wife and I say it's good to be home. This time dreary wet flooded and brown, we just looked at each other and shrugged. Both daughters and gKids are in different parts of FL now but returning soon. Will be better when we get kids in our hands and real spring arrives.

But currently missing this....
Fun write up to read. Thanks for sharing

I’d be pushing it if I left for two weeks. Possible if there was a good rain storm, otherwise, I think dead if there was nothing
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