Bonsai Work Based on Lunar Events

3 minutes ago is equal to Millions of Years.

Things get lost in the fabric of time, not the length of it.

Honestly, there is nothing new printed here but I have enjoyed the banter. I also enjoyed it 50 years ago. The more things change, the more they remain the same.
I think most of you can figure out which side of the debate I am on. I just hope I don't wake up because all of you will vanish.
The dolphin doesn't need the engine. Humans don't need the engine either, but it's too late now.

I think it would be ridiculous to say that the moon plays such a massive role in everyday rythms on earth but doesn't effect trees. Anyone recommending for or against without actually trying and experimenting is just wasting air anyway. guilty
Unless its reliably repeatable, not really. Could be a lot of other things going on too that could be the actual cause
So I officially blame myself for typing that link...... literally as I posted it I looked up and found a man laying between cars at the ass end of a employee only parking lot.... Head injury caused by keto acidosis, got his blood all over my hands and shoes. Waiting to hear from the police if he was positive for covid or not.
Oh this matters then.

Summer Repot at the right moon.

Love Pink!

also enjoyed it 50 years

It's said we are just gathering information from a 20 year study of the ice cores.

The argument (ignorant), discussion, that is being held now, is extremely different.

Because I love you!

You can easily find the article on the internet.
The author is: Ernst Rudolf Zürcher, the title of the article: Lunar synodic rhythm and wood properties.

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Just wanted to make sure we're working from the same page.

The paper he introduced didn't really have conclusive proof as to the effect on trees, from what I can find:

"The diameter of tree seedlings may fluctuate with the tides, according to a paper in tomorrow's Nature. The changes are barely perceptible--only a few hundredths of a millimeter--but scientists say some influence of the moon might be moving water from living parts of cells to the cell walls and back again. If verified in big trees, the phenomenon could influence how certain high-grade wood is harvested."

"It looks like there is a real phenomenon that is awaiting a biological explanation," he says. "But it needs to be replicated in a controlled situation."
I dont have a solid opinion one way or another, as I've never followed any moon based practices or read into it. But, I do know the moon has many impacts on our biological systems.

For instance, coral reproduction is unique in that its based on moon cycles. If you dont know, you should read into it thoroughly- the culmination of several different factors lead to mass spawnings within seconds or minutes of eachother, perfectly timed to maximize fertilization. Truly amazing.

So, im not sure how much it effects terrestrial plants, but I wouldn't be too surprised if it did.

Some good old fashioned sets of knowledge handed down throughout time speak to the benefits of MOST different “maintenance schedules” working very successfully.. Lunar.... seasonal... ect. People in VARYING areas... with VARYING species.. can use VARYING methods.... for VARIED success..

This leads me to believe... that it entirely.... depends.

(I personally have not been doing this enough “seasons” to form a USEFUL hypothesis)

What works best for YOUR trees in YOUR climate.

That seems to be the general non-consensus..🤣🤣🤣

(I apologize if someone said this, or something similar already)
Honestly, there is nothing new printed here but I have enjoyed the banter. I also enjoyed it 50 years ago. The more things change, the more they remain the same.
I think most of you can figure out which side of the debate I am on. I just hope I don't wake up because all of you will vanish.
Lmao! Not me! Im not skeered! So in 50 years you’ve seen nothing to support it?
In this time I have found no reason to deny it.
No reason to be concerned because if I wake up you will never have been.
Actually I'm not convinced you exist.
That is some @sorce level posting right there! That’s where I’m at. I’ve seen a little “evidence” and heard a LOT of first hand accounts. I need to do some experiments while I’m clearing my yard. May make it more effective.
In this time I have found no reason to deny it.
No reason to be concerned because if I wake up you will never have been.
Actually I'm not convinced you exist.

The only thing anyone can ever prove.. was first postulated be Rene Descartes... “I think, therefore I am.”

He states that EVERYTHING else could very well be sensory DECEPTION...

So we would all be subconscious projections of @penumbra , projected onto HIS astral landscape. ;)

I always knew I was too strange to ACTUALLY exist.

The only thing anyone can ever prove.. was first postulated be Rene Descartes... “I think, therefore I am.”

He states that EVERYTHING else could very well be sensory DECEPTION...

So we would all be subconscious projections of @penumbra , projected onto HIS astral landscape. ;)

I always knew I was too strange to ACTUALLY exist.

Literally laughed out loud my friend.
Our neighbors have been farming and gardening for the last 50 or so years. One time when we were out planting trees, our neighbor MC says, 'you know you should dig the hole in the day and plant the tree at night?' And of course we asked why, to which he said something along the lines similar to tides. The soil shifts at night, packing the tree in better basically. Our other neighbor said something similar. He said the reason when you dig a hole during the day and refill at night, and there seems to be less soil, was because of the moon also.

No idea the truth behind it, but interesting anyways. They're very good at what they do in any case.
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