Crataegus phaenopyrum 'Washington Hawthorn'


Mister 500,000
Reaction score
Somewhere South of Phoenix
Have always loved the look of Hawthorns for some reason. I picked an inexpensive sapling to see if I can keep it alive here.

Does anyone have any experience with this species? Does anyone know how suitable for bonsai culture they are?

I cut the tap root down to three inches and stuffed it in a 3.75" pot and then potted up the tap root in another pot. The tap root has already thrown three branches that are about two inches long. Now I have two of them. :D

So far I LOVE this tree! I love the shape of the leaves and to this point they are very small. The growth appears very twiggy. Any thoughts?
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I've been wanting a few of these to put into the ground,ive heard they are a little faster growing and hardier then some of the cultivators out there,i have a pauls scarlet,and im still waiting for some decent branch growth,it was purchased as a four inch pot from Brent,it puts out stubs instead of a nice long branch,i guess its still to young,maybe things will change this year.
Root cuttings seem to strike quite well on these. When you are root pruning your Paul's look for a root that is bigger than a pencil just pot it up. Maybe we can work out a trade come fall.
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