Crazy Shimpaku from Evergreen Gardenworks

Allowed to grow all of 2014...with one air layer applied in the spring to the bottom branch. No photos of the season, but the air layer was successful.
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Then it got Crazy...I let Bonsai Crazy style it as a demo at our 2015 ABS Spring Show.
As usual, I wasn't there to see it happen, but I gave him free reign, with the only caveat that it couldn't be full cascade. I didn't want any part of it to extend below the base of the pot, because they're a pain to move and transport.
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Uchi. He goes by "Bonsai Crazy".

Very talented guy. He can go a bit "crazy", so on refined material, you might want to be there to keep him on the sane side of "crazy", lol!!!

Wow, you guys had him and Kathy Shaner at the same time!

He wears sunglasses at all times to keep his epilepsy under control.
Bought a shin-watari pot from Bjorn a year ago, and repotted it this spring:
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The wire staple shows Crazy's intended front and planting angle. It will take a couple repots to get there, but it's off to a decent start, with the tree not touching the rim of the pot.
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I assumed that the sunglasses were a part of his "crazy" gimmick.

I feel like there was a cool upright tree in there before he went crazy on it. It's not my tree though, so as long as you're happy with it, that's what matters.
I assumed that the sunglasses were a part of his "crazy" gimmick.

I feel like there was a cool upright tree in there before he went crazy on it. It's not my tree though, so as long as you're happy with it, that's what matters.

See adairs post, it's to control his epilepsy, but one would think that partly led to the nickname. I agree & was curious which direction it could've gone as an upright...Brian thanks for the posts too! Great help for us noobs
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