Do's and don'ts


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Gulf Breeze FL
I have a dozen or so maples that I have just relocated to Pensacola Florida. The soil is not draining and I am concerned for their health. Is it dangerous to repot them now in January in north Florida? Is it a good time to prune and wire? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
Welcome to Crazy Breeze!

Reckon you can repot....
But Floridians will come!
Wait for them!

Welcome to B-Nut...not sure where you relocated from...but if possible put your current location in your profile will allow ones to answer your questions without your needing to repeat that location answer to them. It just allows for one's to be able to give you better advice.

Seems like Vin was able to give you good direction. :)...I'm struggling with single digits up north I can't give you any real valuable info that you asked about. I would imagine your temps are much warmer than that. ;)
Had been watering every day in them summer, on an automatic sprinkler system for new landscaping. Cut back to every other day this fall, and now going to once a week. Do I need to take the trees off the system and hand water?
hand water
Hand watering is always best. You're right there looking at the tree and soil. I might think about a sprinkler system if I couldn't be there but only for a few days at most.
Had been watering every day in them summer, on an automatic sprinkler system for new landscaping. Cut back to every other day this fall, and now going to once a week. Do I need to take the trees off the system and hand water?
With this last batch of cold weather I would have thought that all my maples would have dropped their leaves by now but that isn't the case. Basically, around here this time of year you just don't want the roots to dry out if there are no leaves for transpiration to occur. In my case, each maple is going to have a different watering schedule based on location, pot size and soil type. I would wait until next month (March would be better) to repot if you're going to prune the roots. The best indicator to repot is when the buds begin to swell and are just about ready to leaf out. Still, you can repot next month just be cautious if cold weather (below 35ish degrees) comes though the area. If that happens bring the maple into a garage or area that stays above 35. Good luck!
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