Petition to eliminate the "Bar"

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Rescue, CA
I have a feeling that most of us would agree that the "Karaoke Bar" has no place on a bonsai forum. Another forum I frequent is the Unofficial Martin Guitar Forum which has a strictly enforced no politics and religion policy.
If you agree please post a reply saying so. If enough of us do so maybe Bonsai Nut will make this a better bonsai site by getting rid of the non bonsai crap.

I have no strong opinion on this though I personally do not go to The Bar. It is isolated enough (until recently) that it doesn't bother me.
I would be happy if the bar disappeared permanently. There are plenty of places on the internet where people can "discuss" (very loose use of the term) the kinds of things "discussed" there - it's not necessary on a bonsai forum. Actually, the presence of the bar is one of the main reasons I prefer other forums to this one.

You think it needs new sawdust for the floor,converted to a trendy wine establishment,torn down and stocked with high density housing/projects?

A purge with patrons dispersed to the Gulag?
you know this issue has been raised before and if memory serves Bnut is in total support of the crap in the bar. about a month long boycott of the site??? or a boycott until the bar is removed??? no posts, no replies, no visits except to check the status once a week???

I am sure IBC and The Bonsai Study group would be glad to have the traffic. I've noticed recently that several folks have already begun moving some of their posts over to IBC.
I've noticed recently that several folks have already begun moving some of their posts over to IBC.

Yeah, me for one. Not that I have game enough for that forum, but at least they seem to understand what the word respect is. I would miss it here, but even though I read very little of the offensive material, I don't know if I can view the posting persons in the same light as before I read the hate spewing pus that inhabits that dark place.
Though I've personally found the intelligence quotient in the KB...let's call it "lacking", to be kind...I remedied that annoyance by simply ceasing to involve myself there. It seems little more than the mewling of some angry, out of touch participants who have given up on reality. However, it also seems completely separate from the discussion relevant to bonsai, which is 98% of the site, as far as I can tell. It doesn't even show up in the "New Posts" section of the forum.

Has something changed recently? I've been away for about week. Unless something dramatic I said, it's an easy enough thing to ignore. So if you don't like it...why not just do that?
The problem with the K-bar is that when thinks like this one, leak out, they have a poisoning effect on the rest of the bonsai forum. Too much information about certain aspects of our lives, is not healthy for any forum. So, I would support the ban of the bar.
Ideally, the Bar should be a place where the member can respectfully and politely discuss anything other than bonsai. But some members just can't control themselves, and the hate shines through their posts. When that happens, civil behavior is out of the window, because that's how we, humans, behave.
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The site was down for most of Monday, at least for me...Greg posted something about emergency maintenance procedures being instituted. B'nut has been up since last night, but has developed quite a few bugs since then. The Bar has been sequestered from the "new posts" search option for a while after several members complained about the bar's content- sound familiar. I'm sure Greg is working hard to get things back to the way they were.
Very eloquently stated (referring to the post by Attila).
Maybe if these for the most part imaginary people posted instead of lurking in seemingness we could see what they have to say,it may well be nothing or it could be something extraordinary.

Not much to be said for snooty figments going off in a huff,or is there?

Could use some elaboration,maybe some slapstick?
Good lord, give me a break. There is a forum here you don't like and are in no forced to go there, but you don't want it here. I have a gut full of people telling me the way I should live my life. Mind your own business and I will mind. Do you see me over on the Boinsai telling you how you should do bonsai and I could, but do it however you want doesn't bother me. Maybe you would prefer I pay you a visit and read some of your posts and tell you the truth about some of the shit you think will make a bonsai, instead of an attaboy, nice try, your doing great.
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I like the bar. If I want that kind of entertainment or discussion I know right where to find it. The only problem is that I can't get an alcoholic beverage there.... Now THAT would be technology.
There is no point about arguing on this. We all have different opinions, and we all have the right to express it, it's very simple really. I don't think that anybody here is telling anybody else how to run their lives.

At the end of the day, based on what is said here, the Boss is going to decide how to run his website. We talk, and he decides...:)
This thread is a scream, no seriously ! People who are so upset by part of a forum that they are no longer visiting the rest of the forum? I guess that fits the old " throwing the baby out with the bath water " adage. How can they even stay on the internet at all, just a click or two and they could see that poison again. They should disconnect their internet, destroy their hardrive and buy a new one. Really, if then can not keep from clicking on the Karaoke Bar then it should be removed so that no other soul should be tempted so, or have to face the weakness of not being able to stay away from something they do not like.

Odd thing though, I do not like spinach nor do I care for street corner evangelist's yet I do not feel the need to have them censored or removed from my presence I just simply avoid them. Thats right, I am not a liberal trying to run everyones life I am both conservative and adult enough to make my own choices. Personable responsibility, its tough to master yet liberating.

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This thread is a perfect example of the liberal mindset, if I don't think you need it, it must be eliminated so you won't be tempted. "What a country"
I find it to be quite ironic the timing of the site work which has led to the appearance of the bar posts in the new post section and the thread discussing the existence of the bar posted by mat in the feedback section.
At the end of the day, based on what is said here, the Boss is going to decide how to run his website. We talk, and he decides...:)

You are exactly right...its not worth arguing but thinking Bnut cares one little bit about "what" is said here, now that is just funny! I've been around here for a long time on and off and this has never been anything but Bnut's house. Besides, I bet Harry is helping to finance this site because he knows his brand of hate wouldn't be tolerated any where else. Maybe we should petition for a new name - Harry's World Of HATE!
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