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  1. will0911

    Lonicera hispidula (Lindl.) Dougl. Bonsai??

    Was wondering if anyone has ever tried or used "pink honeysuckle as a bonsai subject? i was able to get some cuttings from a family friend and was wondering if anyone had any luck with them as far as training? Thanks, Will
  2. will0911

    root over rock variegated weigela

    here is another root over rock style project i have started. It is with a variegated weigela. I know variegated trees aren't the "best" but so....anyways I didnt take pictures of the process just have some of what it looks like now. if the future ill post pictures of it during repotting and...
  3. will0911

    Semi Cascade Wisteria

    I collected this wisteria vine in spring and it was about to wrap around one of the wild privet trees my dads property is covered in. Both of these plants are invasive and it was neat to see them batting it out in nature. I dug them up togther and tossed the privet because it had no potential...
  4. will0911

    2 bottle brush

    Just sharing with you guys two bottle brush i got from my favorite nursery (not a bonsai nursery). They started as two tall regular nursery trees but the pots they were in had lost about 50% of their soil so i could see the surface roots really well and was sold on basically that and the bark. I...
  5. will0911

    2 Box Store Holly

    This thread is about two holly i picked up at lowes or home depot...cant remember at the moment. I havent really gotten anything for these places in awhile and try not to unless i really see something and that day i did. They were styled already to be conical garden plants and so they had...
  6. will0911

    Junipers first styling

    Picked this up at a nursey and just wanted one for my new collection. Dont really have alot of knowledge or practice with conifers so I figured this one could help me. i know basic knowledge but i need to get their growth patterns and such first hand. just basically thinned it out and wired it...
  7. will0911

    mame pomegranate

    I picked this pomegranate up at a local box store and it originally had two plants so i planted one in the yard and this one i chopped and potted. I think it will be a neat project to see how small the leaves will get and if it will flower. And the big thing of moss on here is because its been...
  8. will0911

    Holy Crape!

    This a crape myrtle i have had in my yard for a few years trying to thicken the trunk a little. I finally was pleased with the trunk and the taper so i pulled it out and potted it up. I had planted it over a tile and it has some good roots which are cover mostly at the moment. maybe next...
  9. will0911

    Exposed Root Loropetalum

    This is a loropetalum I chose for my yard about two years ago and thats where it has been...until now... I hadn't really even noticed it until this spring when I noticed a part died over the winter as the other parts of the tree were growing well. So of course it looked like it had potential...
  10. will0911

    A Couple Privets...

    These are two privets i collected in spring on my dad's property. The bigger infromal upright is one that doesn't really have noticeable flowers. While the twin trunk has obvious flowers that actually smell pretty good, and it gets these brownish berries afterwards that the birds love to eat...
  11. will0911

    Root Over Rock Jasmine

    In spring I dug up a jasmine vine that has been growing in my yard originally from another persons yard that had posted an ad on craigslist. Well i decided to dig it up and after considering my options decided to place it over a rock that i had lying around. After it was wrapped up and planted i...
  12. will0911

    Websites with Bonsai Critiques

    Hi i was wondering if anyone knew of any websites that you can look through online bonsai critiques and competitions? What i am looking for is to see a submitted tree followed by judges critiquing the tree and scoring them so i can get an idea of how judging goes and also to see bonsai that...
  13. will0911

    future spring projects

    These are my blank canvases for spring! This is raw material and nothing has been done so ill update in spring when I repot! Thanks, Will B.
  14. will0911

    variegated privet

    I know variegated plants aren't typically used but I couldn't pass up this big trunk which is about four to five inches. So having said that I think this will be a natural looking tree someday besides the variegated leaves...anyways here is the tree. Thanks, Will B.
  15. will0911

    first formal upright

    Hi this is my first formal upright and I also am wondering what kind of juniper this is? I haven't done anything to it yet bit I figured I would post it...oh well I did cut the top off it was about three feet and I cut it down to about one has a good root spread down lower that I am...
  16. will0911

    bradford pear

    Hi all, Just got back from this older gentleman's house who allowed me to dig some crape myrtles, a huge variegated privet, and some bradford pear. They were growing through the pots soout they werent dug from thethe ground. I was wondering if anyone had any info on the brsdfprdmile pear as...
  17. will0911

    new projects for spring

    I went to the local nursery and bought these three 7 gallon crape myrtles. All I have done is cleared out the roots and cleaned up the top and cut them down to where I wanna start next spring. First one: I chose this because of the good surface roots and it had a good flare that I could...
  18. will0911

    exposed root crape myrtle

    this is another crape myrtle i saved from the trash pile! these pictures are of when i pruned it hard let it grow a month or so then repotted it! still in nursery pot but pruned from about a four foot tree alot of new growth! and repotted! i still have some roots to expose but...
  19. will0911

    best front for this loropetalum ...

    Help! A B C D Comments welcome! Will B.
  20. will0911

    tree id

    hello all! can you guys help me figure out what this tree blooms in the fall and it keeps its blooms till leaf drop in winter. Thanks, Will B.
  21. will0911

    paper pots

    Today I am going to try and use the technique described on to make some paper pots. I will post the steps as I do them and hopefully I get some nice cheap pots that are light and strong! Anyone on here try this?
  22. will0911

    huckleberry or blueberry?

    I grew these from seed this year and the packet I know it said huckleberry but with all the confusion between the two I just wanted to make sure. Thanks Will B.
  23. will0911

    what style is this considered?

    This is a japanese boxwood I got today and I am not sure what I styled it as but I like it. Any comments are welcome. Thanks Will B.
  24. will0911

    nursery holly repot and major pruning

    Got this holly today and thought it had good taper. Took a few pictures too! ROOOOOOTS....... Not sure on the front yet but ill let this guy recover before I do anything else. Comments welcome Will B.
  25. will0911

    Fall repot of crape myrtle

    Here is a crape myrtle i bought yesterday. It was in need of a repot so i figured i would show everyone. as it was when i got it home......rootbound?! leaves are pretty small so should reduce well: All potted up and a bit pruned back: as of now this is the...
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