
  1. gschup

    Abies koreana "Silberlocke"

    Hi there! Over the winter, I started getting interested in bonsai and have since then started a few, fun projects, such as germinating some pine seeds and buying and repotting some cheaper trees in the appropriate timeframe. I also contacted my wonderful local bonsai community. I dug a hedge...
  2. Carapace

    Documentation of Abies nordmanniana sold as a christmas tree

    This nordman fir will be grown on a two balconies (N facing & S facing) in Bucharest. Photos will be posted tomorrow
  3. B

    action plan for a fir

    Hi to all, After taking care of my Chinese elm for three years I have decided to take bonsai more seriously. For my most resent learning project I bought a Abies koreana at a garden center in Germany. Right now it looks like a little Christmas tree. For the direction I want to go it has to be...
  4. Carapace

    I will be trying Sub-Alpine fir var. arizonica as bonsai. Any tips?

    Hi, I am getting a couple of sub-alpine fir's, tiny guys really, just 30-ish centimeters. I am planning on repotting them into nice bonsai soil next spring and I was wondering if you guys know any care tips on them? It gets pretty hot on my south facing balcony in summer but I do have a north...
  5. S

    Repotting a mature Korean Fir [advice wanted]

    I have several seasons of experience with bonsai now, but 18 months or so ago came into possession of a fairly scruffy ~50 year old Abies koreana. I did some pruning last year, mostly of dying material and to start bringing in the out-of-control apex (see pre-work pic). I have also been careful...
  6. Sticks 'n' Triangles

    Mame Abies Koreana Piccolo

    Hi guys, my first post! I have been lurking for a while, but decided I could do with some advice. (not sure if this should be in the styling thread or what, but as It's my first post, I stuck it here.) I have this dwarf Korean fir, which I bought back in April, around when I first got into...
  7. LunaticTree

    Please help identifying this Tree!

    Hello there, I got this Tree from a local "Nursery" as they wnated to throw it away but I took a liking to it. I got it for free, and now it stands in my Garden, I want to style it really badly, But I dont know what Type of Tree it is. The Nursery didnt know either all they said is, they had...
  8. B

    Picea Abies dying

    Been growing without issues until recently. Don't know why. Watered 1 - 2 time daily. Any help is appreciated.
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