
  1. trigo

    Collected JBP Aftercare - beginner

    So today i just collected a field grown JBP, it was on the field for several years, heavy clay soil, well fed and watered. The rootball came out with a nice size and capilary roots. So my question is about the aftercare, right now it's a bush with lots of foliar mass and buds swelling, some...
  2. M

    Crepe Myrtle Styling Help

    Ripped out this crepe myrtle earlier in the summer that was unwanted but I have no idea what to do with it. I can’t seem to find any kind of structure fitting for a bonsai. If I just chop off all the top and leave a fat stump I’d be waiting 15 years for a decent sized new leader to come in...
  3. M

    Azalea from Shrub, a Keeper?

    Hello friends, I have been looking around for yamadori bonsai material for months without much luck because most of the land surrounding me is privately owned. I finally decided I would just cut a chunk off of my azalea hedge in my front yard that I thought had great roots and a workable...
  4. O

    Suggestions for Red Alder substrate mix

    I'm new to bonsai, been doing it for about a year or two now. I've got a red alder in my drive way that I'm planning on collecting this spring but I'm not sure about which substrate mix to use. I've got pumice, lava rock, and peat moss on hand, does any one have a ratio recommendations? Thanks...
  5. BonsaiBay

    40+ Year old mystery Juniper hedge

    Hi All, While the pictures aren't great, does anyone know what type of juniper this is and it's viablility for good bonsai foliage? They are planted in a mobile home park and I was just given permission to take what I want before they rip everything out, including a fruit tree. I was shown...
  6. H

    How to collect this red oak?

    Beavers have turned this into a pretty interesting thing! Pics are a little blurry, but u just noticed tonight that this stump isn't dead. What can I do with it? Since the leaves are open, seems I should wait til they garden off to undercut it, then collect next spring before bud break? Keep the...
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