
  1. proninyaroslav

    Cornus mas/Dogwood. Yellow spots between leaf veins.

    This is the yamadori tree that I buy in the fall. I recently noticed yellow spots between the veins on some old leaves (first spring leaves). The tip of these leaves is also a bit dry. What could be the most likely? Underwatering, overwatering, pH problems or disease? In the spring there was a...
  2. T

    Dogwood weird growth?

    I recently got a dogwood (not sure the species) for free from a local nursery. There is some weird growth towards the bottom of the trunk. It kind of looks like a BUNCH of buds in one location. Do any of yall know what it is? Would it be okay to cut it off as it creates some reverse taper? Thanks!
  3. Bavarian Raven

    Dogwood - Bonsai - possibly :P

    So a little back story here. October I was started to get the Bonsai "hype". I found this naturally air layered dogwood branch at one of the commercial places I do work for. It came up well enough with a lot of good roots. Plus it has some interesting scars and shape IMHO. Next I found some...
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