english oak

  1. Carapace

    Mame english oak that is very special

    This oak is very weird, I germinate a lot of acorns, and most of them sprout by april, this guy sprouted in may, he really took his time. When he germinated I pulled him out and saw no taproot, there were fine roots coming out of both ends of the acorn, haven't really seen anything like that...
  2. cornfed

    English Oak: Cornfed Edition

    The last tree I got potted today was Quercus robur, the English Oak. I am new to all of this, so don't take this thread as advice (unless it isn't coming from me). It was propagated from seed last year. I bought it in a one-gallon pot with 80% pine bark. It was the only one at the nursery...
  3. English Oak

    English Oak

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