help id

  1. S

    Newbie could use some help with new tree

    Hello, everyone. I just joined and and wanted to ask the community a few quick questions: I got this maple yesterday, it's planted in regular dirt (I think) with some kind of spongy black rocks (almost like perlite) with an orange coating, on top of the dirt. It is 7 years old, according to the...
  2. Dryad

    Help Needed: Bud Identification

    Found an interesting looking stump beside my uncle's farm, but I'm having trouble identifying the species online. Any ideas judging by the buds? I took a photo of the trunk itself but for some reason it came out too blurry to make out... Here's a (poorly taken) pic of the branch structure from...
  3. K

    HELP! ID my Bonsai please!

    hello, i just pick this guy up from Home Depot and would like to research care instructions. However the tag doesn’t give a specific name. It seems like it would be an outdoor juniper but the tag says houseplant which make me unsure. May you please help me identify it please so i can properly...
  4. L


    Hi, I'm new to bonsai trees and have no experience with them whatsoever. My father just brought me home this bonsai and I'm trying to look up some information on care etc. However I have no idea what kind of tree it is, there was no tag or anything with it just the price and 'small bonsai'...
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