leaf reduction

  1. L

    Bougainvillea leaf reduction

    Question for those of you who have mature, ramified bougainvillea bonsai in refinement: How small are the leaves ultimately on a well-ramified tree (assuming it’s a regular non-dwarf variety)? I’m in the planning stages now for a root over statue planting and wanting to ensure that whatever I...
  2. B

    Can pyracantha be defoliated?

    Here’s my little pyracantha I’ve been training for a few years now. This year the leaves have really gained some size & I feel it ruins the appearance a little. Can pyracantha be defoliate to stimulate a second flush in the same way I’d defoliate a JM? I’m in the south of the UK.
  3. ecalvillo7

    Taxodium leaf reduction

    Hi! Does anybody have any experience or tried to reduce leaf size in taxodiums or bald cypress? I have one i can make into a shohin size, but curious if i can reduce it... and if it has, what technique have you used. Thanks!!!
  4. HeroAKKD

    Please help with recovering Chinese Elm

    Hi everyone, About 6 month ago, I have bought a 7 Year old Chinese Elm from a Bonsai. As it was from a nursery, its soil was very compact. Given that I am very inexperienced, whenever I was watering the bonsai, I was not watering it enough. So all the water that I have watered the bonsai with...
  5. RobT1977


    This Celtis Occidentalis( hackberry) i had in my back yard was near six feet last spring, i trunk chopped it about 18" ...fertilized it early spring this year, and i think im gonna have a pretty cool tree to work with. I dont know if its truly Yamadori since i found it in my yard, but its close...
  6. ColinFraser

    Zelkova Leaf Reduction

    I think I'm getting there ;)
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