light requirements

  1. M

    How much shade for osmanthus heterophyllus?

    Up until recently, I had my o. heterophyllus indoors under an SF-1000 with a couple tropicals, where it pretty much got no growth for months. I moved it into the shade of one of those GE grow bulbs, and I saw new growth the next day and every day since. I solved my issue, but I'm wondering how...
  2. DiveBarDiva

    Which window is best for my Fukien tea

    I just got a Fukien tea as my first bonsai tree. (Dallas, zone 8b) I’m not off to a great start. The tree was stuck in its box for a couple extra days because my husband didn’t read the box and didn’t tell me it came. It seems to be doing so so but it’s dropping a few leaves but it’s still...
  3. Bonsai_Rookie

    Considering to grow a Snow Rose mostly indoors (From seed)

    Hello everyone! I am new to bonsai business and I am currently considering to attempt to grow a Snow Rose Bonsai mostly indoors **FROM THE SEED**. Location challenges: Canada, Quebec, close to Ottawa. Temperature: Constant around 68 degrees fahrenheit and 77 degrees fahrenheit (except in...
  4. Emanon

    Dark, UV-rich Mornings: The effect of clouds on a plant's light requirements

    When they (the Internet including gov. Web sites/nurseries) tell you that a particular tree should receive around 4 hours of direct sunlight, does it matter if it is cloudy for those 4 hours? I recently moved outland (or the opposite of inland...I'm not sure of the right word) 5 minutes to...
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