
  1. B

    Large English Yew Material (styling/development suggestions?)

    Hi everyone - fairly long time lurker, first time poster. I’ve been tinkering with nursery stock junipers and cotoneaster for 6 months or so. Reading and learning about bonsai for several years but only recently built up the nerve to have a go. I’m now a bit obsessed. Mostly practising...
  2. Bezalel Nebari

    Free Raw Material for CO Residents

    If you live in CO, I saw this post on facebook marketplace. Looks like this person has some land with a bunch of little trees that they're allowing people to dig up.
  3. Cliff D

    Good Juniper material?

    Hi, I am new to bonsai and found a local nursery owner who has a large number of old variegated junipers. They have beautiful trunks and nice curves, but they were crowded in together and have long spindly branches. The issue is that I don't know how hard it will be to get back budding. How long...
  4. AppleBonsai

    Nejikan Pomegranate For Sale

    **Pom #5- $15 + shipping (Continental US only) USPS Priority Mail only. It's usually $13.45 for the medium box to most zip codes and can combine shipping if you purchase more than one tree from me. I will be posting as fast as I can. -First to reply gets it. I will then PM you my PayPal and you...
  5. Japanese Maple

    Japanese Maple

    Japanese Maple Acer Palmatum species. Unknown Cultivar. Derived from a major trunk chop and in development since 1994
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