mugo nursery

  1. B

    Mugo Pine help- Seeking Advice

    Hello, I just picked up a dwarf mugo from the nursery and I’m fairly new to bonsai. I need help on a style for the mugo’s first styling. It has about a 3 1/2 inch base but there is a large first branch and a straight trunk. What do y’all think I should consider as design options? Or orientation...
  2. H

    HGs Vance Wood Memorial Mugo 4 Year Contest Entry

    Been wanting to learn to work with mugo for a while and this is the right opportunity. Found this guy at a big box store a few weeks ago. A bit hard to photograph it well but seems to have a nice trunk.
  3. M

    Mugo pine

    Hi my fellow bonsai lovers. Bought myself a Mugo pine from a nursery (Mughos variety), after cleaning dead twigs and cleaned the nabary I found some nice trunk, the usual worls and some leggy branches. I’m not to experienced with pines at all so looking for some guidance in the right...
  4. Syedabrar

    Mugo pine from nursery stock

    Saw this mugo at the Lowes today, priced at $120. Its pricey for me, any ideas if it will be a good bonsai specimen, new to bonsai world.
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