root pruning

  1. BonsaiOnTheBrainTX

    Help with PreBonsai Premna

    Hello everyone! This is my first post. I’m a beginner in Central Texas zone 9A. I recently purchased a prebonsai Premna from Wigerts Bonsai online. It seemed in good health when I received it. Except I pulled it out of the container and could see it was extremely root bound. The soil was...
  2. circledisk

    Preparing a large acer campestre for collection in NC

    Hey everyone, this is my first post here so please forgive me if it's in the wrong forum. I thought of putting it in the Collecting one, but wasn't sure. I am preparing a rather large Acer Campestre yamadori for spring collection. I have collected a few trees in the past but don't have anything...
  3. ibakey

    Sacrifice Roots?

    Hello folks. I was listening on a podcast not too long ago between Jonas Dupuich and Andrew regarding growing out nursery/ garden centre or field grown material and Jonas mentioned something very interesting that I was thinking about all week. He mentioned that he had a friend Tom who wondered...
  4. Sweetyness

    Help Repotting 70+ Year Old Liquid Amber (Sweetgum)

    So excited to find this forum! Before I ask for advice, I would like to share the history of this tree, and a little about my experience with Bonsai. Spring of 2021 I was gifted a large Liquid Amber bonsai tree from my beloved cousin living in Newport Beach, CA. She passed away that Sept...
  5. Clorgan

    Fuchsia magellanica garden dig

    Posted this in fuchsia thread, so apologies if you're seeing twice! But aware that's a rather niche thread and may be missed (or just avoided 😂) Just dug up my ground fuchsia and potted. Hoping I've left enough roots?? Hoping I did, as this one could be rather nice! First photo is just dug...
  6. BonjourBonsai

    Half ball - is that a thing?

    I know half bare root is a thing. And I know a root ball is a thing. I also know that Mugos and other conifers can have their root balls sawn in half. So I'm thinking that "half ball" should be a thing. Example: "I took the advice of bonsai veterans and half balled a mugo after father's day...
  7. ajm55555

    How do you prevent fungal infection when root pruning Deshojo&Co?

    I still haven't found a definitive answer to how to prevent fungus from entering a delicate JM cultivar, like the Deshojo, when root pruning. This is an air layer from South Korea/Japan. I had to do a major cut at the base to have a flatter root plain and this is the result. It pushed growth...
  8. Clicio

    Circling roots-How to handle them?

    Hi folks, Sometimes the answers to simple questions are so ambiguous, or even contradictory, I think it is better to ask here first. Every time I find circling roots tightly packed around a pot, I get the impression that even being as careful as possible untangling them is not the best...
  9. pweifan

    Root pruning American Hornbeam

    How aggressively can you prune the roots of an American Hornbeam? Last year I collected an American Hornbeam from my parent's property in MI. It's been growing in a large growbox since then. Today, I've been repotting the other trees I collected and since they all have small rootballs, I put...
  10. bonsaidave

    Creating and maintaining your bonsai root base video

    I ran across this video linked on a Bonsai Reddit page. Being a new Bonsai hobbyist I found it to be interesting, informational and thought provoking for future re-potting. Perhaps you will too. Video is by a guy in Canada Nigel Saunders: "Creating and maintaining your bonsai root base"
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