
  1. P

    Getting first bonsai/yamadori and general questions

    So I've been interested in bonsai for a while and got a seed kit as a gift. As I imagine you all know, it's slow and inconsistent way. As such I've decided to obtain a grown tree. I have a family member with a farm house and there's a few species there that might work so I'm looking for advice...
  2. G

    Another try with a rosemary

    After my first try with a juniper, I wanted to practice a bonsai again and bought a rosemary. I did my best but due to wire shortage, I could not wire all the branches. At least, overall structure is ready. When I get some wires that strong enough for those branches, I will put all branches in...
  3. I

    Battle of herbaceous proportions: Rosemary VS Thyme

    I've been Team Rosemary all my life, but decided to try out thyme, i like the aesthetics, but i'm not a big fan of the smell, maybe because its new and foreign to my senses some of us like to eat our bonsai, some don't, so i wanna see your views from every possible aspect. i bought one of each...
  4. A

    Trees good for Colander training

    I wonder if anyone has had experience growing rosemary in a colander. I understand that they are fairly drought tolerant.
  5. ShadyStump

    Feed Me Bonsai

    So, 2020 has been an interesting year, and I have no reason to suspect 2021 will be much better. In the interest of not being caught off guard my wife and I are planning a HUGE garden for the spring, including planting some fruit trees. This will undoubtedly take up almost all of my time, and be...
  6. walawelo

    Starting a Rosemary Bonsai

    Hello Everyone, I was sent today to fetch rosemary for roast chicken. I saw this plant with an interesting trunk and root flare and couldn't help myself (technically I showed up with rosemary lol) . I can see at least 3 options for good front but not quite sure which is best. I was hoping for...
  7. Dane Kofoed

    Rosemary pre-bonsai is dying

    This established nursery rosemary was obtained in the summer, kept indoors in well lit area until winter. Now we have less light coming in, furnace is drying the air out, and it's been lightly pruned a few times (for shape and to thin it out). It has gone from full and lush to browning needles...
  8. aframe

    Rosemary progression - old, slender and twisted

    The May 2017 - finally heathy and vigorous. I pruned for structure and pulled down some branches. I'm glad to see other bnuts posting up their Rosemary's
  9. RileyJFDB13

    Rosemary Repoting, Is it possible??

    From everything I have read everywhere the general consensus is that its darn near impossible to repot a rosemary or cut off thick roots without loosing the plant. This is extremely unfortunate as they have amazing trunks and live veins when very old. But in saying this there has to be a...
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