So, I got a a birds nest spruce from a nursery last winter, I wired it and pruned it and left it in the pot for the growing season, I was expecting 1 growth flush as it technically is a cultivar of norway spruce.
Well, to my surprise it grew new shoots on 4 different occasions, I even pruned it...
Hello all,
I’m new to Bonsai Nut so please go easy on me. Lol
I live in Texas (Dallas zone 8a). Weather has just started to cool down just a bit from the scorching summer heat/drought that we’ve had.
Anyways, I bought this Parson’s juniper about a month ago at a local nursery and have...
Hello everyone,
the edges of the new shoots of my Sangokaku, Bi-Hoo and Deshojo japanese maples are turning black and I dont know why. I dont think they will mature properly, if I do nothing theyll probably just die. Maybe it looks like Im overreacting to you, but I just had to burn my largest...