
  1. P

    Lava rock style pot test run

    Hi all, Thought I'd share my first attempt at a bespoke container for one of my trees this coming spring. A little winter project in preparation. Any criticism or advice would be appreciated.
  2. yodamon

    Suiseki, Diazi and Suiban

    Is there a community here for these chunks of rock? I find these fascinating and I want to do this. I've been trying to read up on this subject and finding some information. One of the best descriptions describing this practice is at the Italian Association of Suiseki...
  3. Gottibonsai

    Suiseki progression, from daiza to exposition!

    Hi, today I want to show you guys all the trasformation of this suiseki. It is a stone I collected a year ago when I was 17, and in some months I created the Daiza. Last year I then exposed the stone at a really important international exhibition here in Italy. In this thread I will show you the...
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