
  1. SmallTreeGuy

    Collected Crape Myrtle…opinions?

    Hello all, Zone 8a. I am getting new landscaping put in and in an attempt to beat the landscapers, I dug out one of four, 25’ Crape Myrtles in my front yard. I have the option of getting all 4 obviously but I don’t think I have the time (or energy) for all of them before work is started next...
  2. GroovyGreg

    HELP! Advice on how to dig up/transplant/save this Blue Spruce

    Namaste to all… originally, my father(r.I.p) had this planted in this unfortunate location, now the wife wants it gone. It’s grown into a really interesting form and I’d like to save it by replanting it somewhere else on the property. Any/all advice is welcomed!
  3. Bonsaithusiast

    baby JBP next to the edge of a bottle

    I planted this JBP seed on the edge of the bottle so I could see it grow because my other ones wasn't growing (Didn't bother stratifying) but as you can see in the photo, I realized it was a mistake because its close the the edge of the bottle and its going to have poor growing space. I was...
  4. C

    Collected Mugo Pines. Help!

    So I just got two mugo pines from free Craigslist (like 5 mins ago). I know it’s the wrong time of year to be doing anything in the way of collecting/planting/potting, but the guy wanted them gone ASAP. It also happens to be 100 degrees in Michigan today (great lol). My question is, to keep...
  5. C

    Cedar training boxes?

    So I found a great mulberry stump that I want to collect come the winter. I also would like to get my Japanese maple out of its nursery pot when the time comes. I see a lot of people beginning training from collected trees and nursery pots into cedar boxes. I understand that these boxes are...
  6. OrganicSeasonal

    Thinking about transplanting pines today...

    Morning, I was thinking about transplanting these Japanese black pines I bought from ebay today. I understand serious moves like this should be done in spring, but here in northern cali weather isn't so bad yet. I want them to grow bigger so I will transfer to pots a little bigger with a store...
  7. D

    Need help with some oaks

    I dug several native oaks (I live in N. Michigan) yesterday b/c they were free and going to be destroyed due to construction. Nice trees, good taper and root spreads, but I'm concerned about keeping them alive given that they were dug in August. I don't have much experience with oaks. Should...
  8. Skrawl

    Japanese Maple

    Hello all, I have recently acquired a beautiful Japanese maple and given it's size I am hoping to soon transplant it into a smaller pot. I understand how to trim the roots properly, but am looking for a good mix to plant it in. I know that plain old potting soil is not what you want, but as...
  9. Ben Russenholt

    New Person Repotting question.

    Hello everyone, I am going to stick mainly to this forum, as I have had Bonsai before but they have all been the garden center variety and all died on me. I will be receiving a Podocarpus Macropyllus and a Juniper Nana in the next few days and they will both be 4" trees. I know that I probably...
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