
  1. Yugen

    Pest identification?

    Does anyone recognize these worms? When I water my hemlock several of these small white worms wither out. The trees previous owner had some sort of root eating grubs and he applied nematodes. Are these beneficial nematodes?
  2. W

    Having your roots done..

    You go to a hair dresser to have others fix that dead beaver on your cranium. You use a lawnmower to mow a lawn. Leaving things to the professional(s) equipment is always best. Pause. I wanted to get a mail-order brid.. ehrm.. Japanese black pine into bonsai soil and out of the potting soil. It...
  3. BeebsBonsai

    What Pest is in my JBP Soil?

    Hello all, I was outside checking the moisture in my JBP soil this morning to see if it needed a water and I noticed a strange worm-looking bug in my soil. I believe I was only seeing its tail at the time, but either the tail or the head was above soil level near the root base. It was...
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