Air-layer in leafless state?

bonsai barry

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Cental Coast of California
I have an airlayer that is ready to be removed from the parent maple tree. Is it better to do it now when the tree is in a leafless state or wait until the layer has leaves? It should bud out in about two ro three weeks.
Time it for bud break. wait untill just green shows in bud and then sever and pot. You should bo OK provided there are enough roots to support it.

Think of spring bud break as a rollar coaster. Once the cars crest the starting hill, there is no stopping it. That bud break energy is immense.
Time it for bud break. wait untill just green shows in bud and then sever and pot. You should bo OK provided there are enough roots to support it.

Think of spring bud break as a rollar coaster. Once the cars crest the starting hill, there is no stopping it. That bud break energy is immense.

... and that about sizes it up.
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