Bonsai in Movie: Duplicity

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Bremerton, WA
I have to say... the Japanese White Pine in the movie Duplicity is impressive. You don't often see world class bonsai in a movie. I'd love to know who owns it. It's very traditional, but very cool.

The character even plucks buds... I thought that was great. :)

Haven't see it, and don't know who is the owner. But, thank you for pointing that out. I think Bonsai in movies is key to the popularity of Bonsai growing in the U.S.
Hi Ms. Vic, I've just seen the movie and like you, I was very excited to see such a wonderful Bonsai in the movie and the guy plucking its needles....... but I did think that having a pine indoors (in his office) was a little much....... but my wife told me to relax with "let it go......its only a movie" lol.
Cheer Gman.
I saw the movie last night, and my jaw dropped! I wasn't expecting that. The tree was just beautiful. Nice tool kit too!
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