Brown Azaela Flower Buds


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Macon, Georgia U.S.A.
I have two satsuki. One is blooming fine but the other has brown flower buds that are dry and fall off when touched. Both satsuki were kept in same location this past winter, watered the same, fertilized the same, etc. The one that bloomed is Gumpo Pink. The one with problems is Meoto Nishiki.

I need assistance in determining what happened to the one causing its flower buds to dry up and brown out. Thanks

Could be a couple things but the only time this ever happened to me was when I had some serious root rot going on. The leaves showed the signs before the buds did though.
"Q: I hope you can help me with an azalea plant problem. Buds will form and they appear healthy, but then they start to turn brown and eventually dry out. The buds are very brittle when I touch them. The leaves around the bud are healthy and the plant continues to grow normally. The plant is very healthy and big. People that see it comment on how beautiful it is. It was full of blooms when I purchased it, but when it bloomed again there were fewer flowers. Now there are no flowers, just dried out buds. (e-mail reference)

A: Dried out flower buds could be a disease known as botrytis or an insect known as thrips. The symptoms are the same. If you are watering overhead, quit and see if that helps. If not, then it is likely thrips. These are very minute insects that get under the flower bud scales and injure the plant tissue with their feeding activity. These are pests that cannot be eliminated, but hopefully can be controlled somewhat. Spray the developing buds with Orthene or Sevin and again 10 days later."

I forgot where I found this, but I hope it helps.
Cannot be eliminated? ack that doesn't sound good.

Good luck Frank I hope ya can save it.
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