Conifer Id Needed


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South Africa
Hey Folks

There are hardly any confiers that i would recognise but this one has me baffled. I have tried nurseries but they all say "juniper" with a confused look on their faces.

This is one of three in my garden, each between 20-25 feet tall and about 12 inches all the way round the base of the trunk. The foliage grows close to the trunk and in 'clouds'. I did look for differentiated foliage but couldnt find any, i also hunted for any seed pods or the like but to no avail, this is the third forum i am trying now.

I have only one vague idea about what it may be (virginia juniper?) but need a positive ID. The close foliage and rugged bark texture make me really want to try this out for bonsai.


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Based on the pictures you posted, my guess would be Juniperus chinenses 'Torulosa', also know as Hollywood juniper, Torulosa juniper, or Twisted juniper.

Could you post a full height picture of one of your landscape trees? This might help in making a positive ID.

I am familiar with Juniperus virginiana, they are native to my area and are generally not used for landscaping. The pictures you posted and the growth habit you described do not seem to fit this particular species of juniper.

Here is a link that shows the normal growth habit of Juniperus virginiana.

I hope this helps.

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Thanks, i will take a look at that and get some full sized pics in tomorrow.

After viewing some Hollywood juniper i have to say it does look very similar, but all three of these are bolt upright, with the foliage quite close to the trunk, there is none of the twisted characteristics
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Full Trees Here is a pic of th foliage on the full trees.


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Definately not Juniperus virginiana.

Based on the pictures of the mature trees, I would stick with my original guess of Hollywood Juniper.

I believe the twisted term comes from the way the foliage appears to cork screw around the trunk on mature trees. I have seen this particular growth habit on landscape trees in my area and your landscape trees seem to display this type of growth.


Definately not Juniperus virginiana.

Based on the pictures of the mature trees, I would stick with my original guess of Hollywood Juniper.

I believe the twisted term comes from the way the foliage appears to cork screw around the trunk on mature trees. I have seen this particular growth habit on landscape trees in my area and your landscape trees seem to display this type of growth.


I agree.

Thank you both for the ID and your help! Its much appreciated. I take it the best time to drastically prune (trunk chop) would be late winter?
"I take it the best time to drastically prune (trunk chop) would be late winter?"


Are you considering using these trees for bonsai?

I have no direct experience growing this variety of juniper. However, for junipers in general, late winter or early spring is usually a good time to work on them especially if you are planning any root work.

Yeah, i was considering the smaller one for bonsai, the other two are going to stay the way they are as perfectly good landscape trees!
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