Donald Trump.

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WoW so this is how the ignore function works. I can see your lips move, but don't hear a word you saying. You should do it to me to please....;)
Good work choosing a title for this thread @fredman now we can continue a lively discussion on the future administration! I am more than curious to see how the first 100 days unfold. I really hope he is the guy who will show the political elite that things can change for the better!
America's BREXIT JUST HAPPENED! The same forces that led to Brexit in the U.K. Voted Trump into office- Populist sentiment, rebellion against the status quo. I guess democracy works! No matter who you pulled for in this election, the American people made it clear that a MAJORITY preferred Trump over Clinton and he won the damn thing, which is exactly how it is supposed to go down. I have harped on how terrible of a system we have, that a representative democracy is not a democracy at all... for months now. I was wrong...

Personally I do not like Tump- I think he is an ego driven madman who has no clue what he is doing as president.... BUT I FREAKING HATE HATE HATE HILLARY! Since her HUSBAND WAS IN OFFICE (I love BILL BTW..)- She is as crooked as a politician can be, stands for everything I am against and she just has that look like she ate a baby for breakfast or something... so it was a choice between two evils for me. I still got out and voted though. Hope is all we have at this point because NOBODY knows what our new president is going to do!
I fear for this country and the world as a whole. All of you Trump supporters who wanted to give a big middle finger to the country have certainly done it. Now we get to watch how the most unqualified, unstable narrcicist ever to attract a vote will govern. If he does half the things he says he will, the economy will collapse and more Americans will be dying all over the world. The Constitution will be shredded. Our only hope is that those 'professional politicians' on the Republican side that are so derided will moderate his insanity.
This made me laugh out loud for real...
I'm pretty sure Barack Obama has little Constitutions printed on each sheet of toilet paper he uses.

Yep! A HUGE HALLELUJAH Mr. Trump has won and we finally have actual supporter of Constitution and Bill of Rights to take over White House. Hopefully after thoroughly fumigated and sanitized from Traitorous filth that's resided there past 2 terms.
Yep! A HUGE HALLELUJAH that Mr. Trump has won and now we finally have an actual supporter of the Constitution and Bill of Rights set to take over the White House. Hopefully after it is thoroughly fumigated and sanitized from the Traitorous filth that's resided there the past 2 terms.
Well yes...
I'm one that is still skeptical, I have nearly equally hard times believing regular politicians, and Trump.
All I can do is hope that he is honest and that he can bring back the rule of law to our govt.
I do have a newly restored faith in our electoral process, or at least that it is possible to beat the Democratic side's fraud, as long as you speak common sense to people.
Everyone that thinks that America is a racist country for electing Trump is either totally brainwashed by left wing propaganda, or they are just not being honest with themselves.
It's not about race, it's never been about race.
Trump gave a beautiful acceptance speech that all Americans should be proud to hear.
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