Field grown boxwood


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Sorry for the pic size I am going to try this again. Appreciate any advise!


  • boxwood1.jpg
    6.7 KB · Views: 45
It's still very small. Try using irfanview (free download, google it) and resize it to 600 x 800. With my camera this gives me a .jpg file that is approximately 60kb.

Simon had a good point on the other post about the curved lip of the pot making it difficult to remove at repotting time.
It's still very small. Try using irfanview (free download, google it) and resize it to 600 x 800. With my camera this gives me a .jpg file that is approximately 60kb.

Simon had a good point on the other post about the curved lip of the pot making it difficult to remove at repotting time.

The key to removing this tree at repotting will be to use your sharp sickle tool to cut straight down through the rootball from the innermost edge of the lip. Once the rootball has gone all the way through one of the long sides, the root ball should tip out nicely, then you can remove the roots remaining in the pot.

Thanks for the PM.

Email me your full sized picture and I'll post it as well as giving you a step by step on how I did.

Looks like a nice tree, but the picture is too small to see clearly or do a virt on.

ok I will try to email the picture to you.
Thanks for taking the time to do this for me!
The first attachment is the photo, untouched and unresized, just as I recieved it. I simply added it as an attachment to this post as normal. The size limit for jpegs here is 97.7 kb, your picture as sent was only 22.6 kb so there should have been no issue with attaching it.

To attach whjen posting, just go down to manage attachments and select the file you wish to attach.

The second attachment is the same picture, slightly improved in photoshop and saved at a level 4 quality setting, again attached here full sized.

The third attachment is the same as the second, except I cropped it.



  • DSC_0719.JPG
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Here's one with a little more touchup on the background.


  • ps2.jpg
    39.8 KB · Views: 22
That is really awesome!
Thank you so much. Any suggestions on the tree? I'll get better at this with time. I was resizing my photos in photoplus maybe I need to install photoshop. I have a few other trees I would like to post in the near future.
I did one a little bigger, I was gonna make the background lighter but this seemed to not be bad. I can tweak it if anyone thinks it could be better.


  • DSC_0719_bigger2.jpg
    28.6 KB · Views: 36
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