Help me Id my tree!


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Corona, CA
IMG_2832.JPG IMG_2833.JPG IMG_2835.JPG IMG_2836.JPG IMG_2839.JPG IMG_2840.JPG IMG_2841.JPG Hello, I got this tree for free and I have no idea what it could be! The fruit pictured I have no idea if they came from this tree or not, it seems the dead wood in the middle is very soft, Im not sure if thats dude to rooting of soft wood. Its dormant so its really hard to tell!
Looks like an immature shriveled up quince fruit maybe? Here's a Google- searched image...quinces_unverdorben_jr.jpg

If it is a quince, their buds swell and blossom pretty early. The fact that yours don't seem very swollen yet worries me. I hope its ok. Looks like an interesting trunk down there!
To me, it looks a lot like Malus sylvestris (European crab apple). Both the fruit and the wood look very similar to a species of crab apple, maybe a seedling from a cultivated tree. I have several in a hedge, from collected seeds, the colours of the fruit ranging from yellow to deep red.

European crab apple is not native to America, but is listed as an introduced species in several parts of the US:

Since you don't mention your location, it's just a guess.
I am located in Southern California. The older woman I bought it from thought it may be a plum but its looking like im gonna have to wait for leaves to really find out! Thanks for the responses
The older woman I bought it from thought it may be a plum

It can't be! Plums have bones, here the fruit bears seeds.

I don't think there are any flower buds on your photo, but when the leaves are out it will be easier to identify.
To me, the fruit appears to be either from a rose or one of the large fruited hawthorns. I would be suspect of it coming from the tree you purchased, which looks similar to sorbus (mt. ash)
Update to this post, went back to the nursery I purchased this from and found the spot where the tree was located had a fruiting tree above it that may have dropped this fruit.

Upon further inspection around the nursery I found some wisteria that looked very similar in bark texture and they were also dormant. We will just have to wait to find out!
If those fruit belong to the tree, then for certain it's not Redbud. Sure looks like Redbud the way it grows though.
If those fruit belong to the tree, then for certain it's not Redbud. Sure looks like Redbud the way it grows though.
I bet it was under or near some fruit trees where it was. But now that I look at it, it's definitely redbud, here's some at my work right now 1489783952453766120241.jpg 1489783970468538972947.jpg
I got a baby leaf on my finger! Lol
That ugly trunk is going to be beautiful when it flowers!

Yeah the fruit definatly arnt from the tree. Thanks for all the hlp well see what happens in the next few weeks!
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