Help with a Quince Please


Mister 500,000
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Somewhere South of Phoenix
I have a Chaenomeles 'Evergreen's Contorted Salmon Pink'. I really love this little tree. On the trunk however is something that concerns me. I need advice on how to proceed. It is a old wound that is callousing over but what I really don't want is for the trunk to rot.

Please advise on proper care (if any is needed) on this wound.

Thanks for the help!

hey pal; i dont think you need to be concerned it looks like its rolling in fine. as long as you have good drainage it should continue that way. having said that it is possible to redress wounds, if rot is occuring or further correction needs to be done. nothing like a dremil and sharp blade for that. then seal. :)
If you go for the carve and reseal, a lot of people over here swear by a sort of aluminum duct tape on top of the wound. It is butt ugly for one season, but it does speed up the callousing.
Hey thanks everyone! Hi Brent hope all is well. I really like the growth pattern on this.

Thanks again for everything.:D
I have an extremely similar mark (I mean almost EXACTLY like it!) on a JM that I'm starting to work on. However, mine is just a little bigger so it's not going to go away for decades. So I'm going to do a trunk chop below because I see lots of buds forming. :D

With quince though (even though I don't actually have one) I've always read that they grow quickly and heal quickly as well. I don't think that you will have many problems with this one. ;)
I will get a picture up of this one. If you don't have a contorted quince you really ought to get one they soooo cool how they grow. Brent has three colors, white, red and the one I got salmon pink. I expect I will have some of each sometime soon.
As promised here are pics. Mind you this is a baby. Notice the bends in the trunk and even how the leaves contort.

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