If you're looking for Haydite

We(our club) have been getting it from a local construction materials yard, I think we paid something like $15 for (3) 45gallon barrels, definately not sieved to this grade, but once put thru the screens it separated out nicely. We have size for soil mix, and some that is good for drainage or top dressing perhaps, some for whatever you might need gravel for, some is wasted perhaps but overall it works out well, and this stuff is lighter than most "sand/gravel" products.
Personally, I will not use their product.

You're right rock, the shipping is very expensive.

It has been my personal experience that the people who produce Haydite are not really interested in accomodating the bonsai community to any great extent.

Maybe others have had better luck.

They have a plant in northeast Ohio and I usually stop in every couple of years to pick up about 5 bags. I imagine that selling small quantities and shipping it is low priority for them.
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