It's that time of year...


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It will be boring for the next 2 months for most of us, but lets start by selling, buying or trading some trees or material. I don't know about most of you but collectors like to see new trees every once in a while, kind of like Hugh Hefner likes new women. I have trees of all sizes I would consider trading. Some one start us off with a tree, they're grown tired of. Two thousand dollar cats is better than one thousand dollar dog, right

keep it green,
How do you feel about Yews Harry?
How do you feel about Yews Harry?

I admit I don't know much about the varieties, I don't know anyone who has one trained as a bonsai, but I've had good luck witrh them in the ground. Got one one you want do a little horse trading on, all I have are conifers.

keep it green,
I have the following I would consider trading:

1. Barbados Cherry - slanted style almost all exposed roots
2. Premna Obstusifolia - Again primarily all exposed roots

These 2 items are very attractive I may add.
I'm not sure how trades would progress, as no one want sot get scammed. But I am open to the possibility of a mutually satisfying transaction.

Pictures upon request.
Got one one you want do a little horse trading on, all I have are conifers.
keep it green,

I have a few Harry..drop me a note what ya have, we might have a meeting of the minds
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