Japanese Maple


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Fraser Valley, B.C, Canada
hey, this is a small jap. maple, the base is half an inch thick and its height is about 3-3.5 inches.
what do u think?


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Right now, there isn't much there. I guess I would like to know what your plans are for it. What style, how big, etc.. That will help with the advice.

Nice pot. kinda looks like it wants to become a broom eventually. But i would echo sentiments about the ground.
hey, ya ide like to do a small broom style with it. and after a while i have to defoliate it osme more. the leaves are a little big now but they r down to about an inch or more in width.

growning in the ground isnt much of an option for me, i live on a farm and the animals roam everywhere.

im also thinjing about doing the trick where u grow the plant in a colander/strainer, should i do grow the maple in a strainer before or after i defoliate,

I dont know how much good defoliating is going to do at this stage of development, isnt this going to slow your progress down?
yes it wouold if i do it now i guess, but im not looking at this as short term... im only 16:P
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hey Rick,

thats already bin done : ) i bought a greenhouse, then i was going to fence a section off but then we my parents werre deciding to move so we didnt bother with the fence. but for now the greenhouse works and when we do move. we wont have any farm animals and a lot of land so then i owuld have a lot of ground to work with.
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