K of B - new look

Rick Moquin

Reaction score
Dartmouth, NS Canada
I hope this is just transitional but I don't care much for the user interface and new look. Functionality leaves alot to be desired.
A strong start and vastly improved!

I don't mind the concept. However, as an epileptic the speed of the marquee is very annoying. Certain frequencies of flashing cause me great discomfort. Also I don't care for the reversing of the pictures. I would prefer if they simply looped for the same reason but it is also not effective from a design standpoint.

Given that creating clear and understandable interfaces for users by synthesizing sound, graphics, animation and text for maximum enjoyment of customers is what I do for a living, I can say that simply slowing down the marquee and simply looping it would be a dramatic improvement. As a user I need more time to absorb the content and decide if I want to choose that particular selection. A few more milliseconds would do it. If you double the time per frame you will have done to much. Start with a 50% increase and let's have a look.

The new layout has many strengths and is a vast improvement. The color pallet is quite pleasing to the eye and the font size is readable and contrasts nicely with the background. It is quite streamlined and less busy which always makes for a better website.

All that said I can't go back until the frequency is changed on that marquee. It hurts my head.
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I agree on the marquee, FWIW. I do like the new look of the site, however. It is more up to date and fresh, less stuffy.

I would like to see the marquee be slower and have a fade in and out to the new frame. Perhaps do away with the marquee altogether and just have a fade?
Now that I am able to access the "new posts" when I click on K of B, I am happy. Yesterday was a navigational nightmare. The scrolling trees made my head spin.

Nice fresh look and time will tell.
I am glad that everyone more or less likes the new look. I will be tweeking it and making the best it can be today and more than likley the rest of the week.

Yesterday was a nightmare because I switched servers can could not access the new server as fast as some could.

Please keep the suggestions coming.


What's wrong with you? Don't you know switching servers is supposed to take months? ;)

Good work, as always!

I like the look and it seems to be better laid out and not so daunting. I still think the slideshow of article headings is too fast. If it feels rushed when I'm reading it, I'm supposing almost everyone else feels the same.


Edit: After looking again, perhaps it's just the speed of the slide movement that is a bit disconcerting...
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What's wrong with you? Don't you know switching servers is supposed to take months? ;)

Good work, as always!


Once again this is the kind of talk you accuse everyone else of. What happens at BT is none of your business. I would appreciate you keep it that way.

...and yes I can read between the lines so don't get all black and white on me.

Once again this is the kind of talk you accuse everyone else of. What happens at BT is none of your business. I would appreciate you keep it that way.

...and yes I can read between the lines so don't get all black and white on me.

Boy, Al never wastes an opportunity for a pot shot.....

In response....

Actually I was referring to a few different forums, including IBC, if it is any of your business, but now that you mention it, that's right, BT is taking quite a while to come back also, thanks.

And this is as far from the personal attacks I complain about as you can get, I attacked no person and made a vague humorous reference to Paul, regarding the amount of time some forums (unnamed purposely to prevent just this sort of crap) take to switch servers. If you must know, there is a archery forum I moderate that took 6 months to switch forums last year....and a writers forum I frequent that took 2 months to do the same this year, so before you get all nasty, know what you are talking about.

Oh yeah, by the way, a public forum is everyone's business, last I checked you don't own BT, nor are you a moderator there. I might be banned, but I still read the posts there, as well as access my many past posts and articles, not to mention the contests I managed there. So, based on my use, what happens at BT is as much my business as anyone Elise's, like it or not....how's that for black and white?

For the record, I have already stated truthfully on another thread that I hope BT comes back, I wish Matt or the forum no ill will.

Anything else Al?

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Brevity Will

The longer you talk the more ignorant you look. This isn't personal. You took the first shot, end of story. Explaining your self makes it look no better. Practise what you preach and preach, preach preach PREACH!
I'm not trying to take sides, but to (hopefully) help damp this down before a flame war erupts.

Will can say inflammatory things, but this time his post (the one that was quoted) looked harmless to me. It was a general enough statement that I didn't see in it any hidden reference to BT or anyone else specific.

I'm the son of linguists, and "osmoted" some knowledge of languages and the general principles on which they work, growing up. I don't claim to be an expert by any means, but I think I do know a little whereof I speak. (Bad grammar there, but I trust you get my point.)

'Nuff said, I'm done.
Brevity Will

The longer you talk the more ignorant you look. This isn't personal. You took the first shot, end of story. Explaining your self makes it look no better. Practise what you preach and preach, preach preach PREACH!

You can not be that far off in left field, I took no shot at anyone, especially not you. The truth is you seen another slight opportunity to start your mindless crap again and took it.

Honesty Al, have you nothing of value to contribute? Have you nothing productive to do? It's so sad to see you mindlessly trolling through threads looking for anyway you can to toss a few stones my way.

Sorry, Al, you seem to have nothing of value to contribute and I am way to busy actually adding to the community to waste time with you and your pettiness.

Welcome to my ignore list.

This should now be right down your alley, now you can make up crap all you want without rebuttal, just like at BT.

Have at it.....

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I'm not trying to take sides, but to (hopefully) help damp this down before a flame war erupts.

Will can say inflammatory things, but this time his post (the one that was quoted) looked harmless to me. It was a general enough statement that I didn't see in it any hidden reference to BT or anyone else specific.

I'm the son of linguists, and "osmoted" some knowledge of languages and the general principles on which they work, growing up. I don't claim to be an expert by any means, but I think I do know a little whereof I speak. (Bad grammar there, but I trust you get my point.)

'Nuff said, I'm done.

Thank you for taking the time to post your thoughts on this.

You can not be that far off in left field, I took no shot at anyone, especially not you. The truth is you seen another slight opportunity to start your mindless crap again and took it.

Honesty Al, have you nothing of value to contribute? Have you nothing productive to do? It's so sad to see you mindlessly trolling through threads looking for anyway you can to toss a few stones my way.

Sorry, Al, you seem to have nothing of value to contribute and I am way to busy actually adding to the community to waste time with you and your pettiness.

Welcome to my ignore list.

This should now be right down your alley, now you can make up crap all you want without rebuttal, just like at BT.

Have at it.....


Do you really want to compare contributions? See what I mean about the ignorant part
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